The Left look to Satanists to save abortion in Texas

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If this doesn’t tell you the Left are evil, nothing will.

Last Wednesday, Sept. 1, 2021, nearly 24 hours after a Texas law that bans nearly all abortions in the state went into effect, the Supreme Court rejected a request to block enforcement of the law, which abortion providers claim will bar at least 85% of abortions in the state and will likely cause many clinics to close, while a challenge to its constitutionality is litigated in the lower courts. The SCOTUS vote was 5-4, with fake-conservative Chief Justice John Roberts joining the court’s three liberal justices (Breyer, Sotomayor and Kagan) in dissent. (SCOTUSblog)

From Breitbart, Sept. 6, 2021:

After The Satanic Temple announced its opposition to the Texas anti-abortion law, leftists have embraced the cult as a potentially helpful ally in the cause to keep abortion legal.

At, Brett Bachman argued Satanists “may be the last, best hope to save abortion rights in Texas”….

Other left-wing outlets were as equally gleeful in their support of The Satanic Temple’s fight to keep abortion legal. “Satanic Temple Floats Devilishly Clever Strategy To Dodge Texas Abortion Law,” stated a headline from HuffPost. “Why Satanists may be the last hope to take down Texas’s abortion bill,” echoed Fortune.

In 2020, following the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a woman wrote an op-ed in HuffPost exclaiming that she joined The Satanic Temple, believing that they are the best force in America to keep abortion rights alive….



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3 years ago
3 years ago

Too bad we can’t give the pro abortionist crowd an up close view of their beloved abortions by aborting THEM. That’d be a wasted effort though-they wouldn’t learn from it if it ended THEIR lives.

Brian Heinz
Brian Heinz
3 years ago
Reply to  truckjunkie

They might not learn from it but it would be like taking out the trash like the clinics do. I can see the mill stone and the edge of the ocean its what comes to mind.

3 years ago
Reply to  truckjunkie

Well, if at least 50% of them took the covid injections, most of them won’t be alive in 3 to 5 years.

3 years ago

When I saw this it amazed me. I thought the Dems were awful, but at least sane enough to avoid openly embracing Satan. I was wrong. They are insane.

Steven Broiles
Steven Broiles
3 years ago

Once again, the Left tries to out-Nietzsche Nietzsche and howls, “Evil, be Thou my Good!” But they lose again, because although we have free will, they deny the reality that we can only choose evil for the sake of the good.

It would seem to me that the pro-life side almost always loses for one simple reason: Most people contracept. They don’t realize or understand that this, too, is evil, in that it interferes with the course of nature. Those among the pro-life side who contracept are more Nietzschean than they are aware of: they seek carnal knowledge as a good, in and of itself—and within marriage, it is—but they see the possible child as an evil to be avoided.

This is not to give the argument to the Satanists: I would never do that. But those on the pro-life side who contracept act in a manner corollary to the pro-abortion side: After all, once the contraception fails, the odds are they will resort to abortion. I am no champion of Paul VI, but Humanae Vitae had it right.

Steven Broiles
Steven Broiles
3 years ago

God is forcing the Satanists and the pro-aborts to show their hands here.

However, I also believe that the primary reason the pro-life side usually loses is because it refuses to acknowledge the role of contraception in the abortion supply-and-demand chain.

3 years ago

Thank you Dr.E for this important post. The Church Triumphant is alive and well in Texas and Arkansas! We are pro-life states and ready to fight for life, especially for those sweet little babies who need our voices! We must continue to pray for life and for God to help us in this battle!