Thank you for this beautiful story about Cora Rose!
3 years ago
Had to think abt this one bef. commenting. Cora Rose exhibits exuberance & a love of life, (& well-loved in her family) & yet, still shows us that her life is difficult. I’ve been watching a show recently @ an amazing man who custom-fashions prostheses or helping devices for animals in need……seems to me Cora Rose could manage something like this to keep her from constantly using her breast-bone to balance when she comes down off her back feet….etc….In the end, I decided to comment b/c, w/my history background, I’ve remembered all the outrageous, garrulous wounds that soldiers suffered in the Civil War, like none ever seen bef at the time….& in an era where medicine was still crude & basic…..not much to be done. And yet, so many survived basic care and managed to live full lives (with no arms, or no legs, or no lower jaw…or open gut wounds that would not heal), like Cora Rose. In the end, I understand that life itself…the act of living…. seeks a stability that allows survival with the best circumstances that it can muster, and is happy to do so….human or man’s best friend. This was a really GOOD lesson for me. Thank You.
What a pure soul Cora Rose is. Non-human creatures don’t wallow in self-pity and victimhood. No wonder St. Bonaventure called animals “creatures without sin”.
Gracie Storvika
3 years ago
Wow! That was truly delightful to watch. I am so glad this little dog came to be with this particular family. Their efforts and encouragement truly helped Cora Rose to live up to her inate potential. Great story, thanks for sharing with us.
Brian Heinz
3 years ago
The poodle we inherited stands on her hind legs as much as the four. The other dogs are like this and much larger so she jumps up on the back ones like she wants us to see her over the other dogs. Or barks so you don’t forget her.
Thank you for this beautiful story about Cora Rose!
Had to think abt this one bef. commenting. Cora Rose exhibits exuberance & a love of life, (& well-loved in her family) & yet, still shows us that her life is difficult. I’ve been watching a show recently @ an amazing man who custom-fashions prostheses or helping devices for animals in need……seems to me Cora Rose could manage something like this to keep her from constantly using her breast-bone to balance when she comes down off her back feet….etc….In the end, I decided to comment b/c, w/my history background, I’ve remembered all the outrageous, garrulous wounds that soldiers suffered in the Civil War, like none ever seen bef at the time….& in an era where medicine was still crude & basic…..not much to be done. And yet, so many survived basic care and managed to live full lives (with no arms, or no legs, or no lower jaw…or open gut wounds that would not heal), like Cora Rose. In the end, I understand that life itself…the act of living…. seeks a stability that allows survival with the best circumstances that it can muster, and is happy to do so….human or man’s best friend.
This was a really GOOD lesson for me. Thank You.
What a pure soul Cora Rose is. Non-human creatures don’t wallow in self-pity and victimhood. No wonder St. Bonaventure called animals “creatures without sin”.
Wow! That was truly delightful to watch. I am so glad this little dog came to be with this particular family. Their efforts and encouragement truly helped Cora Rose to live up to her inate potential. Great story, thanks for sharing with us.
The poodle we inherited stands on her hind legs as much as the four. The other dogs are like this and much larger so she jumps up on the back ones like she wants us to see her over the other dogs. Or barks so you don’t forget her.