People have lost their minds: Texas woman caught with 13-year-old in trunk of car because he was COVID positive

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The hysteria surrounding the Wuhan virus has made some people stark-raving mad. Example:

Quick summary: A woman stuffed her 13-year-old, COVID-positive son into the trunk of her car to drive him to a Wuhan virus test site. Apparently she believed the trunk situaion was warranted in order to avoid being exposed to the virus. She’s now facing child endangerment charges.

The woman, a teacher, has been placed on administrative leave from her school district.

You can’ read all the details here about this story here.

What happened to this woman’s momma bear instincts? You have a sick child and you take care of them, comfort them, and by no means stuff them in the trunk of a car!

Alas, between the never-ending hysteria and hype surrounding this virus, some people just lose all of their common sense and caring instincts. Terrible.


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Jackie Puppet
3 years ago

And as a teacher, she’s entrusted with the safety & well-being of her students as well.

I’d hate to be her students on a field trip – they might have to ride on top of the bus!

3 years ago

Her name is Sarah Beam, 41 years old, and an English teacher!

A comment on YouTube pointed out that Bean could have simply rolled down her car’s windows if she’s so afraid of her son infecting her. Her hysteria and unconscionable ignorance are a commentary and cautionary about America’s teachers in general.

Gracie Storvika
Gracie Storvika
3 years ago
Reply to  DrE

I applaud all the families who have decided to Home school. The fact that this woman who is a certified teacher is so brainless is just beyond comprehension.

3 years ago

Lucky for her she’s a member of the Teachers’ Union-that insures she can get a raise in pay when she comes back.

Last edited 3 years ago by truckjunkie
Gracie Storvika
Gracie Storvika
3 years ago

The insanity that has spread across this nation in the last two years is unbelievable. This story just goes to show that. What mother would do this?

Brian Heinz
Brian Heinz
3 years ago

This is what happens when people get their news from face book tictoc and YouTube, the ignorance is shared and the actions are as stupid as the info they get. I believe the younger generation have cellphone tables and smartphone embedded in them when they come out. Seems control is 4 or 5G depending on what you can afford. And they can’t see it at all.

3 years ago
Reply to  Brian Heinz

Ignorance is shared. It is reinforced from all directions. They are trained to believe google is the modern encyclopedia.
When they started to computerize the schools who realized where it would go?

3 years ago

This is absolutely incredible! Complete selfishness.

3 years ago

This sort of hysteria is intended to keep those most apt “down on the Demorat Plantation.” It’s very effective….see how it convinced this mother to overcome any “maternal” instincts to otherwise harm her child in the name of “COVID safety” for HERSELF? AND, BTW… a teacher or an otherwise decent human being…I’d never throw my child/my student into a trunk to “protect” myself from COVID. DAH! I wear a stupid cloth mask to work…which I know is ineffective …but I do the thing as required….I have the 2 shots so I can work…but I refuse to get the “booster.” Why? I refuse to get “tested.” Why? B/c,..vaccinated people get Covid, & can pass Covid along. What’s the use? I can “protect” myself from the most severe consequences…but, at any moment, I can pass the virus???????? Which moment should I test….every day? Every hour???? Weekly? Monthly? Even tho’ I don’t have any symptoms? Or even if I have a “head cold” with my familiar, lilfelong “sinusitis? Remember when people disparaged Trump b/c he said “we have to learn how to LIVE with this Covid?” He was MORE than right….this CHINA virus is going to be with us forever…it will not miraculously “disappear” at any time…vaccinations or NOT…boosters or NOT….it will survive, as all living, pulsing things do….in many incarnations….to become a part of our already known “Covid” viruses…like the common cold and the myriad flu viruses that visit us each year. It will take some time, ,but will finally wear down into the “common” afflictions of our every day lives. Perhaps, like the every year flu concoction brewed up by disease germs gathered from China each year…..we will have a “Covid 19” flu inoculation every year….or, if we’re lucky, it will be included into our every year flu shot so we won’t be getting 2 flu shots each year…along with any and all other inoculations …like DTP’s and others……

3 years ago

These are the people in charge of your kids at school…

Brian Heinz
Brian Heinz
3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Your right and if you complain to loud and want the right to say what your child is taught your labeled as a terrorist and the fbi comes and investigates you till your shut down. Weaponized its the only thing you can call it.