Seattle, failed city

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I recently returned from a trip to Seattle – my first since 2019 due to their strict Wuhan virus restrictions implemented in 2020.

What I saw was just so depressing. A demorat-run city that is in ruins. Recent pictures I had seen on social media of the homelessness that runs rampant in Seattle:

I saw homeless camps along the freeway that I had never seen before when I previously lived there for decades.

Driving along the I-5 through Seattle was just ugly. So much “tagging” (graffiti) on the concrete walls and traffic signs. A friend told me that much of the tagging has been cleaned up since the 2020 riots. He also told me that the Seattle Police to this day will not stop anyone from tagging. An example of what the tagging looked like in 2020. It’s better today yet was still all along the I-5 corridor.

Along with the endless homelessness situation, crime, tagging and fentanyl crisis in demorat-run Seattle, residents in a certain zip code must now pick up their mail due to vandalism and theft.


“Some south Seattle residents are claiming a significant ‘mail fail’ is occurring as the United States Postal Service (USPS) has halted mail delivery due to a rise in recent vandalism and theft.

A sign at a nearby U.S. Postal Service office in Columbia City is telling residents in the “98118” zip code to pick up their mail in person at an annex office, located at 5920 Martin Luther King Jr Way South. The zip code covers around 49,000 people — but it’s unclear how many of them are not getting their mail delivered.

A visit to that annex office Thursday afternoon revealed a line of more than a dozen people waiting for their mail. A single employee was seen helping them.

One woman named Jenny told KIRO Newsradio that she had no official communication with USPS, but that her local postal carrier told her, “this was going to take a long while to fix and we had to come [to the annex office] to get our mail.”

Seward Park resident Barbara Myers said her postal carrier told her the issue was caused by a recent theft. “They haven’t been delivering mail for four days because a master key that operates all the boxes in Seward Park has been stolen,” Myers said.

When questioned about any thefts of mailbox master keys in that area, USPS Inspection Service spokesperson John Wiegand said there are active investigations, but declined to provide details.

Property crime has been on the rise in the Seattle area, in the Northwest, and kind of across the country — and mail theft is unfortunately one of those areas that have been targeted significantly with that uptick in crime,” Wiegand said.”

Read the whole story here.

Ain’t demorat-run Seattle grand!


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1 year ago

Seattle is Dying | A KOMO News Documentary

Gracie Storvika
Gracie Storvika
1 year ago

This is just beyond incredible, yet entirely believable. Just several hundreds of miles South of Seattle, here in Portland–all of the on/off ramp areas which used to be covered in beautiful grass are now home to hundreds of homeless campers. They have driven vehicles up onto these areas, so that the turf is so chewed up–there are huge ruts in the dirt. I guarantee when you see this kind of wanton destruction first hand, it just sickens you to the very core.

Kelleigh Nelson
Kelleigh Nelson
1 year ago

So many cities run by democrats are experiencing the same decay. What a shame. I was in Seattle in 2008 and loved it, had friends there and we enjoyed a lovely time. Not going back anytime in the future.

Mist'ears Mom
Mist'ears Mom
1 year ago

Mexifornia is the same. I used to live in So San Diego my beautiful city is now full of people who don’t speak English, graffiti, trash and homelessness everywhere. They are camped everywhere – along all the freeways under bridges etc. Every freeway off ramp or shopping center corner has someone begging for money. Crime (theft) is rampant – it is disgusting. Since the people (most of them) I believe are illegals or welfare recipients they don’t care. Elected officials are all Mexican, black gay or some other “identity bs” the elites live in their bougie enclaves behind walls. We are a dying country.

1 year ago

DCG, my heart breaks at the destruction the Left has done to Seattle, Portland and San Francisco. These once great cities are ruined.

1 year ago

This is the way all big cities are going across the US. Then the people that voted a certain way move to try and outrun the problems…

Joan d Arc
Joan d Arc
1 year ago

Thank you DCG for this informative yet tragic post. What a terrible waste and wretched atmosphere now existing in this American city. Just terrible, terrible. . .

Brian Heinz
Brian Heinz
1 year ago

So inexcusably sad on a scale of -1000 for community out reach from the elite who run cesspool excuses of a city.