God bless the woman and the railroad workers who rescued bunny Rosedale! Having rescued and homed a bunny, I want to know how Rosedale’s human keeps the rug clean?
I think you can really tell the true quality of human beings when they will go to such lengths to save a defenseless animal. Bless all those who participated in this rescue effort.
I must admit, my mind also wandered to the question . . . how do you keep the carpeting clean when you have bunnies indoors?
Kelleigh Nelson
1 year ago
Did you see those high jumps! Wow! Sweet
Gracie Storvica
1 year ago
That is so sweet. Geeze, now I want to go out and get a bunny (but I will forgo!)
So cool DCG thank you.
Many, many people don’t deserve pets! It’s wonderful these beautiful rabbits are now in a good home.
God bless the woman and the railroad workers who rescued bunny Rosedale! Having rescued and homed a bunny, I want to know how Rosedale’s human keeps the rug clean?
I think you can really tell the true quality of human beings when they will go to such lengths to save a defenseless animal. Bless all those who participated in this rescue effort.
I must admit, my mind also wandered to the question . . . how do you keep the carpeting clean when you have bunnies indoors?
Did you see those high jumps! Wow! Sweet
That is so sweet. Geeze, now I want to go out and get a bunny (but I will forgo!)
Thank you DCG and Dr.E for bringing this to my attention. I thoroughly enjoyed this story which is inspiring and beautiful.