Another one bites the dust: The North-Face closing hometown San Francisco store

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San Francisco is failing. Due to progressive policies (soft-on-crime DAs, open-air drug use, Defund the Police movement, Prop 47, etc.) many businesses have shutdown their stores in San Francisco.

Now goes another:

The North Face is closing its only store in its hometown of San Francisco that’s situated in dying downtown area

From Daily Mail:

“San Francisco shoppers receive another shocking blow as another major retailer is all set to move away from the crime and drug ridden city. 

The North Face officials have announced that they will be closing the doors of their Union Square store on March 31.  Although the rock climbing and camping supply company was founded back in 1964 in this city, the Union Square store is the only location to exist. 

Hailey Albright, a spokesperson for the company said in a statement: ‘The North Face was born in San Francisco, and we have cherished the time spent here, building roots and creating lasting memories.’

The retailer has not provided a clear reason for the closure of the 180 Post Street store.”

Read the whole story here.

No “clear reason” is required on behalf of The North Face.

Earlier this week voters in San Francisco passed two ballot measures to take steps to curb homelessness, drug addiction and crime. The initiatives require drug screening for welfare recipients and give police more surveillance power and less oversight

But it may be too little, too late. After 60 years of democrat rule, it will probably take DECADES to undue the damage progressive polices have created for that city. Y’all learn too late:


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1 year ago

This sounds like a eulogy to me as I quote:  ‘The North Face was born in San Francisco, and we have cherished the time spent here, building roots and creating lasting memories.’ So, is this the death of North Face in SF…or the death of North Face, PERIOD?

I’ve used much North Face in years of camping across country & back in all kinds of weather, in fact, I still own them, in storage. But, I haven’t bought any North Face in years, & probably never will again.

It reminds me that, when I was in middle school & went off to a week’s “outdoor camp.” My parents were so poor that I was the only one to take a “bedroll” of my “regular” sleeping blankets/pillow to camp, while everyone else had a fancy sleeping bag & such. I survived this to live an “OK” life, in fact, a superior life. I could do it again without uber-fancy camping gear….even in snow (b/c I’ve already done it at many different ages in my life—including with kids and a dog). It’s not only our government that has lost contact with us “regular” people….but even our marketers. They dismiss our abilities to do without them if and when needed….or even if just an option.

So, why wouldn’t a company that was supposedly marketing to rugged, pro-American, out-door-loving, family-oriented, hearty, people who thrive and survive….stand up to the political BS that threatens to (and did) drive them out of business on their OWN TURF?????? I think we all know the answer, which involves our present “wokeness” policies as opposed to sound business and social enterprise. Right now, I am playing the smallest “violin” imaginable in “sympathy” to North Face and the myriad businesses that have abandoned SF….they COULD have stood up to their boogie-man instead of capitulating to unsound business and political policies of the left that turned around to bite them in the behind (as they departed, bankrupt and demoralized).

1 year ago

How can this continue? Liberalism Progressivism truly is a mental disease.

Joan d Arc
Joan d Arc
1 year ago
Reply to  DrE


1 year ago

Unless we win this election this is the future of the rest of the country. We all have to help stop this we can’t hide in our homes and hope everyone else will fix it. So many people I talk to feel this way they are scared and I can’t blame them but if we don’t stand up then were doomed…

1 year ago

Think of the jobs lost just at that store. The explosion of criminality is taking a toll.