Saturday truth bombs

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Gracie Storvika
Gracie Storvika
7 months ago

Many of those were beyond profound. It is heart sickening that members of our American Congress would vote against the notification of ICE when any illegal is trying to purchase a gun. Yet, they become rabid when American citizens buy guns. This just blows my mind.

7 months ago

That last one is good, sadly.

7 months ago

Everyone of them is spot on and I am afraid we have a lot of work cut out for us. Vote Vote and most of all Pray the Lord is the only one that can fix all of this. Our country needs to turn back to God, if they did, He would heal our lands.
Sadly this country has become God less, and arrogant that they removing Him from everything. I keep wondering how big that Great White Throne Room is gonna be a lots of folks that are wondering why they are looking like Goats.

6 months ago

I like the one about socialism. I taught one of my Gifted classes about it in ONE DAY. I gave them a history test (Middle Ages) and, when I handed out the results, I announced that everyone who had an A or B had to drop points to give to the D’s and F’s, so that everyone could rise to at least a C or better. This also meant that the As and Bs might have dropped to a C. Predictably, the lower students cheered and rejoiced. The A and B students were stupefied and visibly demoralized… just like in real life.