God’s amazing paintbrush: Woman captures stunning Texas storm photo

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This photo made the rounds on social media on Monday after a storm blew through Texas on Sunday. A gal by the name of Laura Rowe tweeted the following:

She’s now selling prints of this amazing picture. Here’s how she was in the right place at the right time to capture this image, via her Smugmug page:

“Hey y’all! I was out for a Sunday drive with my boyfriend. Small town, nothing else to do. We were over in Muleshoe checking out the salt lakes in the Muleshoe National Wildlife Refugee when we saw a small tornado touchdown close to Earth, Texas.

We looked at each other and knew we had to check out this crazy storm. We followed it for about three hours down county dirt roads until we set up in the spot where I took this shot that has now gone viral. 

I knew that God’s creation was beautiful to witness, but I had no idea that it would explode like this on social media. I was just a girl with an iPhone and nothing else to do on a Sunday afternoon, in the right place at the right time.

Thanks for checking me out, and I hope you enjoy your purchases! As a broke college kid, everything goes a long way!”

If you desire a print, order one here.


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Jackie Puppet
3 years ago

Incredibly AWESOME!

Gracie Storvika
Gracie Storvika
3 years ago

There is no way that any of us can possibly say that God’s creations are not breathtakingly beautiful.

3 years ago

That’s one of those things that,if you tried to describe it to someone,theyd say something like, “well,THAT’S impossible-you musta imagined it or dreamed it.
And I know there’ll be those who insist it has to be photoshopped,but I can tell it’s real. That’s not something you’d ever think to fake. Amazing picture!!!

3 years ago

Thank you DCG for this interesting and beautiful post. Our Lord is the Artist of all artists. A careful and thorough look at the creatures he has created, including nature’s trees and flowers, show that God is truly Beauty. Even the smallest beatle has a show of designs, and butterflies are breathtaking! The whole panorama of nature and His creations reflect Beauty constantly, just like this beautiful looking storm, which I hope did not cause damage.