Patty looks pretty good for 102!
Patty looks pretty good for 102!
This happened last week in Yuma, Arizona. A Marine vet disarmed a punk trying to rob a Chevron store. Watch (commentary by Steve Inman):
When Yuma County Sheriff’s Office asked James Kilcer, who previously served in the U.S. Marine Corps, how he was able to take control of the situation he replied, “The Marine Corps taught me not to (mess) around.”
H/t truckjunkie
The racist Critical Race Theory (CRT) is deployed even in preschools.
The AJSteel Show posted this pic on Twitter, with this comment:
I am angry beyond words. My 3 year old grandson whose dad is a high ranking military officer, just started pre school at a military sponsored program. Click to see the racist chart they made on day one. Parents, please wake up and act before our kids & nation are ruined for good!
AJ Steel writes: “My son in law and my daughter pulled him out of that school and wrote a letter to the principal as well as to the base commander.”
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged brainwashing of children, Critical Race Theory (CRT), US military
My father served aboard the USS Enterprise for some time while he was in the US Navy. He worked in the ATC tower on that carrier and later went on to become a private pilot himself. While growing up, we took many flights in his Cessna four seater. He even let me skip school one day to take a day flight!
Although I despise flying commercially today, I fondly remember the flights with my dad as a teenager. And I wonder what it would be like to fly a figher jet and try to land/take off from a carrier. Here’s what it takes:
Amazing skill set these pilots have. And amazing technology.
What a ride that would be!
My guy is deployed right now, coming home Saturday. Then a couple weeks later deploying for another mission. Such is the military life…
Yet the homecomings are always the best!
Meet Pearl Harbor survivor Ken Potts from Provo, Utah.
Ken is one of two remaining USS Arizona survivors. He turned 100 on April 15 and the Utah National Guard celebrated Potts’ service by giving him a ride on an Army Black Hawk helicopter. Watch:
The other living USS Arizona survivor, Lou Conter, and Potts are expected at Pearl Harbor for the 80th anniversary of the surprise Dec. 7, 1941, attack on Oahu. Conter turns 100 in September.
Read more about Ken including his background and military service here.
Happy Birthday sir and thank you for your service!
h/t Breitbart
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged Ken Potts, Pearl Harbor, US military, US Navy, USS Arizona, Utah National Guard
The other day I read that 52 US submarines and over 3,500 of their crew were lost during WWII. I then found out that those who perished are considered “still on patrol” or “on eternal patrol.”
Pearl Harbor Submarine Memorial
According to the Pearl Harbor Memorial web page, upwards of 55% of Japan’s merchant marine losses were due to American submarines. This came with a high price: The U.S. Navy’s submarine service suffered the highest casualty percentage of all the American armed forces, losing one in five submariners. Some 16,000 submariners served during the war, of whom 375 officers and 3,131 enlisted men were killed.
Here’s a complete list of lost US submarines that are “still on patrol.”
A man by the name of Tim Taylor founded the Lost 52 Project in order to research and locate the US Navy subs that were lost during WWII. From their web site:
“The Lost 52 Project is a long term exploration and underwater archeological project that is documenting and preserving the story of the Lost 52 WWII Submarines, leaving a foundation of knowledge for future generations. Building on our current discoveries, ocean exploration and underwater robotics expertise, our team is organizing, executing and managing expeditions with the goal to discover and survey as many of the lost 52 US WWII submarines as possible.”
Here’s a video of Lost 52 Project’s discovery of the USS Grayback:
Watch family members who lost relatives on the Grayback react to the submarine’s discovery:
Great job Tim Taylor and the Lost 52 Project! You bring great comfort to those whose loved ones are “on eternal patrol.”