The promise of what is to come:
“The wolf shall live with the lamb, the leopard shall lie down with the kid, the calf and the lion and the fatling together, and a little child shall lead them.” -Isaiah 11:6-7
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H/t maziel
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Thank you Dr.E for this adorable and incredible post! I love all of them and cannot choose a favorite one. Wonderful!
There were so many snippets to choose from . . . but I think my favorite one was what appeared to be a very young kitten where a young bird was nestled in its arms, and it was licking the baby bird. That was really precious. These reminded me of the scripture . . . “. . . and the lamb shall lie down with the lion . . .” What a marvelous article to bring to our attention. Thank you so very much. It was truly joyous to view.
Cute stuff!
The bird and cat pals are, to me, the most amazing! My brother had a hamster.& our family dog was a tiny Manchester Terrier. If anyone came to the door (mailman, neighbor, et al), the dog raced up the stairs to my brother’s bedroom and sat “guard” on the hamster. No one had ever tried to “hamster -nap” or harm the little guy. We never ever figured out how this strange protective relationship developed or why.
Watching them interact,it’s clear that my Dog Kita is REALLY my Cats’ pet Dog.
Different species weren’t friends in my house – long ago, I had a couple of parakeets, and the day I got my German Shepherd as a puppy, was the last day we had the parakeets! My dog was just naturally curious, and started pushing the cage they were in, almost off the little table they were on – I caught it just in time!
There just wasn’t enough room for all of them, and we managed to give the parakeets to a friend of my ex’s.