I REALLY like the first one.the baby deer, and the last one the Hummingbird with the cool shack! Thanks for these,Dr. E!!
Steven Broiles
3 years ago
#’s 2 & 3 are my faves.
3 years ago
Thank you Dr.E for this most precious post. How darling! I love the gifts brought by the crow-incredible!
3 years ago
I love Crows. Wish I had one, voluntarily, to live close to me. They are beautiful, big birds, & so smart. My neighbor’s big pine tree is gone now (long story, caused ME so many problems that I had to PAY for) but, it was a housing unit for tons of Crows. Every morning, when I got up to prepare for work, my bathroom light faced them…& the minute I turned it on to start my morning prep, they began a loud chatter. Then, when I went downstairs to let our dog out into the backyard near their tree, they went crazy…& if I went outside w/the dog, they had an even different chatter. I researched & found that Crows recognize faces…very interesting in the part of my morning prep w/the dog….Additionally, I observed crows “playing games” w/my Lab/GPS mix….they would sit on one fencepost in my backyard..& when my dog would charge ….fly to the opposite fencepost…& go back & forth for maybe 15 or more minutes with this {“game.” Of course, they always won
I REALLY like the first one.the baby deer, and the last one the Hummingbird with the cool shack! Thanks for these,Dr. E!!
#’s 2 & 3 are my faves.
Thank you Dr.E for this most precious post. How darling! I love the gifts brought by the crow-incredible!
I love Crows. Wish I had one, voluntarily, to live close to me. They are beautiful, big birds, & so smart. My neighbor’s big pine tree is gone now (long story, caused ME so many problems that I had to PAY for) but, it was a housing unit for tons of Crows. Every morning, when I got up to prepare for work, my bathroom light faced them…& the minute I turned it on to start my morning prep, they began a loud chatter. Then, when I went downstairs to let our dog out into the backyard near their tree, they went crazy…& if I went outside w/the dog, they had an even different chatter. I researched & found that Crows recognize faces…very interesting in the part of my morning prep w/the dog….Additionally, I observed crows “playing games” w/my Lab/GPS mix….they would sit on one fencepost in my backyard..& when my dog would charge ….fly to the opposite fencepost…& go back & forth for maybe 15 or more minutes with this {“game.” Of course, they always won