Quick-thinking and quick-acting Cecilia Morales is my heroine!
Gracie Storvika
3 years ago
Wow! She was sent from Heaven to be right there at the right time. I would say she is an Earthly angel. What a wonderful story.
3 years ago
I think we’d be AMAZED to know how many Heroes like this walk among us unrecognized because of their humble nature! How many times do we hear them voice the sentiment that “I knew I could help,and if I didn’t-who else would?”
Quick-thinking and quick-acting Cecilia Morales is my heroine!
Wow! She was sent from Heaven to be right there at the right time. I would say she is an Earthly angel. What a wonderful story.
I think we’d be AMAZED to know how many Heroes like this walk among us unrecognized because of their humble nature! How many times do we hear them voice the sentiment that “I knew I could help,and if I didn’t-who else would?”