Our writers dutifully voted for their #1 and #2 captions. Each #1 vote is worth 4 points; each #2 vote us worth 2 points.
And the winner, with two #1 votes, totaling 8 points, is:
Here is the winning caption:

But…but mommy promised me I’d be king.
Brian Heinz (with one #1 vote and one #2 vote) and Auntie Lulu (with three #2 votes) are in 2nd place, each with 6 points:
Brian Heinz: “Hey Lisa, did you hear the one about the prince that got dethroned, Harry somebody?”
Auntie Lulu: “Gosh! What did I do? I’m just tryin’ to support my little woman and the kids.”
Captain America and greenworxx are in 3rd place, each with one #1 vote and 4 points:
Captain America: “If I were King of the Forrrrest!!!”
greenworxx: “Being treated as if he’s invisible irritates poor spoiled Harry.”
Truckjunkie is in 4th place, with one #2 vote and 2 points:
Truckjunkie: “How DARE that jackass William claim his rightful place as King…..”
Congratulations, vett!
For all the other captions, go here.
Be here tomorrow for our next Caption Contest!
Congratulations Brian, that really was the very best comment for this picture.
Thank you Auntie and congrats to vett and all who participated they all were good.
Congratulations vett!
And big thanks to all the writers! Especially Brian Heinz, Auntie Lulu, Captain America, greenworxx, and Truckjunkie!