This is our world-famous 270th Caption Contest!
Here’s the pic:
About the pic: The above pic of Prince Harry, Meghan Markle and her mom, in a New York yellow taxi was taken on the evening of May 16, 2023. Invoking memories of Princess Diana’s fatal car crash, the couple’s spokesman claimed that the trio were “extremely upset and shaken” by a harrowing, “near-catastrophic” two-hour paparazzi chase in New York City, and that the “relentless pursuit…resulted in multiple near collisions involving other drivers on the road, pedestrians and two NYPD officers.” Almost immediately, NY’s Democratic mayor and the NYPD debunked the story, followed by similar testimonies by the taxicab driver as well as the paparazzi agency. Here’s an excellent video by a native New Yorker resident explaining why the story is unbelievable:
You know the drill:
- Enter the contest by submitting your caption as a comment on this thread (scroll down until you see the “LEAVE A REPLY” box).
- Body and Soul‘s writers will vote for the winner.
- Any captions proffered by our writers, no matter how brilliant (ha ha), will not be considered.
This contest will be closed at the end of Tuesday, June 20, 2023.
‘To get the contest going, here’s my caption:
Meghan Markle: “Do I look like I’m ‘extremely upset and shaken’? That Harry is such a dope –snookered again by my machinations. He, he, he.”
For the winner of our last Caption Contest, go here.
Holy Moly, I wish those two grifters would just STOP their continuous attention seeking behavior. Frankly, us Americans do not care about either one of these worthless individuals (or at lest this is my opinion.) These two “victims” just need to go away . . . . . far, far away from the rest of us. We just do not care about their pitiful, colorless lives.
Hi, I’m Princess Grifta, and this is my husband Cuckol.
Ok moma how many did we get that time. Hey if we go through the park we can mow down even more pedestrians trying to take our pictures how much fun is this Harry. And you said it would be boring and we wouldn’t get much attention.
This contest ought to be interesting.
“Crying wolf” is a dangerous game to play.
Better luck next time: no high-speed chases in NYC. No high-speed ANTHINGS in NYC. Even in LA…you have to be on the “right” freeway” at the “right” time to have a high speed chase. Should have done homework before setting this scenario up. But hey….they are royalty…so someone else was supposed to do it. Pretty sad. Someone phoned it in & it didn’t work. Didn’t ring true. Wasn’t true. Should have paid off the Uber to keep is mouth shut. Didn’t think of that, either.
Personally, I don’t know anybody who would want a picture of a narcissist, a whipped husband and his mother-in-law.
OK, so I gave a comment previously…but here’s my real caption:
This doesn’t look right. Put the phone & reading material down….throw on seat belts & hug each other tight: it’s time for the “high speed chase” hoax pics.
That looks like Big Mike next to Grifta.