A glimpse of hope for this country!

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Had enough of the culture war brewing across America? Sick of “Pride” month yet? Here’s some good news: Gallup Poll released poll results today that showed more Americans want all or most abortions made illegal. From their poll (via LifeNews):

“Although support for abortion increased after the Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade, the new Gallup survey released today shows that support is already softening one year after the decision. Now, a minority of Americans want all or most abortions legal while more Americans want all or most abortions made illegal.

Though the Gallup poll may appear to indicate that Americans support abortion – with questions about abortion in general showing Americans support abortions in the first trimester — a further Gallup question that more specifically identifies people’s views on abortions reveals what has been true for decades – Americans oppose most or all abortions.

That’s because a generic poll shows support for abortion in the first trimester but when pollsters ask the times when abortion should be legal, a strong percentage of people say abortions should generally only be allowed to save the mother’s life or in cases of rape or incest. Since those rare reasons constitute approximately 2% of all abortions, Americans oppose 98% of abortions.

Looking at the brand new Gallup poll released today, 69% say abortion should generally be legal in the first three months of pregnancy. But ending the analysis of the poll with that figure is highly misleading.

That’s because the subsequent question that more accurately identifies abortion views makes it clear more Americans oppose most or all abortions.

As Gallup notes, “Specifically, close to half of Americans, 47%, now say abortion should be legal in all (34%) or most (13%) circumstances, while a similar proportion, 49%, want it legal in only a few (36%) or illegal in all (13%) circumstances.”

That means 49 percent of Americans take a pro-life position opposing all or most abortions while a lower 47% take a pro-abortion position supporting all or most abortions.

Read the whole story here.

Excellent news!


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1 year ago

The first & most “successful” thing Roe v Wade Supremes did was to anesthetize us to the value & empathy for human life, in fact the most helpless & innocent of lives, & the taking of life for the ” convenience/wishes” of one life vs the unrepresented interests of another life. In fact.. besides the fetus, were any fathers allowed legal interest? We had 50 yrs of it so that today, men & women feel empowered to take to the streets to demand abortions for any stage of pregnancy, even up to the moment of birth, while feeling “virtuous” for it. We even had a POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama, who voted as an Illinois state senator, to deny care/life to live-born survivors of abortion. He said they should be put in a private place to die without care, b/c the mother had chosen legal abortion, so that’s what she had to receive. BTW…this was one of his only in-person votes during his tenure…with most other’s being absent and voting “present.” We arrived at a culture of death, cleanly and legally, through this Supreme Court ruling of 50 years ago that had no standing in the balance between State’s rights and Federal rights in the Constitution. Meanwhile, objectors wail abt “abortion becoming illegal.” Total LIE. This court returned the rights to the states as it always should have been Constitutionally. These objectors need to participate in the politics of their own states and get out of Washington, D.C. or the “national stage.” Their “cheese” was taken, but they keep coming back to the same stupid, nullified, place to find “their cheese.” These little mice need to put on their running shoes and follow the cheese. ….(though I really don’t want to give them valuable advice.)

Brian Heinz
Brian Heinz
1 year ago

Abortion has all ways been there sticking point and with a lot of women voting for these scum bags to be able to kill when they want to not be inconvenienced to not have to deal with a child or a natural birth.

Barack Hussein Obama will go down in history as the most corrupt President in our history. Joe Biden will go down as the most destructive President in our history. And both of them as few others before them were Deep Swamp plants. They use both sides of the political stage to keep control.

The American People will be the fodder for the massive take over of our government that is in progress as we speak. Pray and prepare for what is coming its not if any more its when.

But no matter what they think, we know Christ is in control and its his plan we are just a part of it. I hope everyone has a small stock pile of things you might need Food Water Medicine and what you might think your going to need. Even in the event of a natural disaster a power grid failure you should have something extra in the house. There will be no one coming to help and if its from the government you don’t want it.

1 year ago

While I am heartened by the latest Gallup findings, the poll nevertheless is more evidence that the U.S. is severely polarized. On abortion alone, Americans are divided into 2 irreconcilable camps (49% pro-life vs. 47% pro-abortion).

1 year ago
Reply to  DrE

Polarization: can we find half of any poll in the USA Today that tips to the side of personal responsibility for anything? Like, responsible Pregnancy (with tons of ways to prevent pregnancy…starting with abstinence…to artificial interventions galore for both sexes…are we freakin’ animals who can’t do this??? And then…do I HAVE TO PAY FOR IT when my fellows don’t care?….b/c I have been, even tho’ Roe v Wade said I wouldn’t have to through our Federal system…and even then, they said I’d not have to pay for it through a certain “viable” cut off….but NOW…want me to pay for it through the moment of birth…..SEE HOW THIS “Slippery Slope” progressed from the 1970’s ‘til now…this is a textbook CASE of it) paying your own college loans (as my husband and I and our own children did), WORKING, child care, child welfare, feeding your school-aged child, following and enforcing your child’s public education, providing health care for yourself, paying child support as an absent father…or even just stepping up to admit you are a father of a “fatherless” child, shoplifting, grifting of all kinds on the public dole…. INDEED, Barack Hussein Obama fundamentally CHANGED our America from past to present, as he PROMISED, & Joe Biden was his perfect dazed & confused dupe to finish his vision. I totally adore the “isms” of Senator Kennedy of LA……who often says “When you elect the clowns, expect to get the CIRCUS.” We’ve arrived.

Joan d Arc
Joan d Arc
1 year ago

Thank you DCG for this most interesting post. The picture of the sweet little baby makes my heart melt. Clearly, we are making progress and we must continue to pray to Our Lord and Our Lady for an end to abortion in our country.

1 year ago

“Pride goes before a fall.” We should ask the beer companies, shoe companies, and retailers how the pride thing is working for them.