There is no doubt but what our pets are angels sent to Earth to minister to us. Thank goodness for the kindness of all those who were instrumental in bringing this baby back to his Daddy.
This is so great to see hits a nerve in my bones. My brother lost his wife and one of his dogs in a car crash long time ago. The people who helped at the wreck found his other dog and took care of him till my brother got out of the hospital. The dog mopped for months till he saw his master.
Joan d Arc
1 year ago
Thank you DCG and Dr.E for telling us about this wonderful event, the restoration of this precious dog to this great gentleman. This restores my faith in human nature.
There is no doubt but what our pets are angels sent to Earth to minister to us. Thank goodness for the kindness of all those who were instrumental in bringing this baby back to his Daddy.
This is so great to see hits a nerve in my bones. My brother lost his wife and one of his dogs in a car crash long time ago. The people who helped at the wreck found his other dog and took care of him till my brother got out of the hospital. The dog mopped for months till he saw his master.
Thank you DCG and Dr.E for telling us about this wonderful event, the restoration of this precious dog to this great gentleman. This restores my faith in human nature.