Stay away from “Barbie” movie!

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And keep your children and grandchildren, especially girls, away from this extremely toxic, misandrist (man-hating) movie.

Don’t be fooled by the cartoonish, candy-pink colors.


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1 year ago

Couldn’t pay me to see it.

Gracie Storvika
Gracie Storvika
1 year ago

The only words that come to mind are . . . . “Gag Me !!!!!” I would not watch that garbage if they decided to pay me. What is wrong with the Hollywood of today?

Paul petersen
1 year ago

Omg!!!. This the lamest crap I’ve ever seen. I would rather sit in a boat with Gilbert Godfrey than see the Barbie movie.

1 year ago

All part of the main stream indoctrination most movies out of hollywerid are now. Take the money and hurt them were it hurts the most as far as they are concerned the wallet.