Biden, Senile-in-Chief, is deteriorating before our eyes

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Joe Biden wanders off at 2024 G7 Summit

That Democrats, including Hollyweirdos like George Clooney, Julia Roberts, and Barbra Streisand who raised $28 million to reelect Biden in a recent fundraiser, still support and fund this obviously senile man, goes to show that Democrats will vote for the Devil himself rather than for a Republican.


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4 months ago

When it comes to Hollywood, I am beginning to think that most of them are spiritual captives in one way or another. Perhaps they’ve been given over to depravity.

Gracie Storvika
Gracie Storvika
4 months ago

I am sure that I am not the only one of us who has had the the thought–now is the time for any of the world’s bad actors to start a war with the US. We do not have a Commander in Chief who has the mental acuity to lead this nation. I would suggest that people take to praying that the Heavens will protect us in these times of peril. That our nation could be in such a state is just beyond me.

3 months ago

Biden started out with an ability and intelligence deficit almost 50 years ago when he first ran for Senate. He’s failed up ever since. Nevertheless, that “upper tier” of Hollywood is exactly like the “upper tier” of Washington, D.C. government—existing solely on an old “power-grid” of past privilege brought forward & maintained by mutual consent & support. They are old, passe, out of touch with the “common folk” of this country & their needs/concerns, hopelessly undereducated by modern standards needed to participate in our present domestic and global economies, foreign policies, technologies, educational needs in order to compete with the rest of the world, & much more. Hitching onto these fading stars, both in D.C. and in Hollywood, is a slow & painful suicide of our country and our next generations who so badly need us to guide them forward into a strong and resilient future on their own terms, instead of backward into the miasma of past failures, career politicians, and that awful analogy of “the tail wagging the dog.” Time for the dog to dox the tail and move on to what this country was founded upon: a government that exists ONLY because the people allow it, and not the other way around.