Author Archives: DCG

Baby giraffe born with leg disorder now walks thanks to braces

Meet Msituni who was born February 1 at the San Diego Zoo.  Msituni was born with a condition called carpal hypertension, causing the giraffe’s front legs to bend improperly. It was nearly impossible for her to stand and walk.

The Zoo consulted with Ara Mirzaian, an orthotist who has fitted braces for Paralympians and children with scoliosis. The doctor had never fitted an animal for such an apparatus, let alone a newborn giraffe.

The doctor and his team were able to create custom braces for the giraffe and now she’s up and walking! Watch the video below and read all the details of her story here.


Stella gets her groove back!

Happy Friday!


Passenger lands plane after pilot has medical emergency

Meet Darren Harrison, who was the passenger on a recent Cessna flight heading back to Florida from the Bahamas.

The pilot experienced a medical emergency (he’s ok now) and Darren had to radio air traffic control to help him land the plane. The pilot had gone unconscious due to an aneurysm.

Darren said he “knew if I didn’t react that we would die.”

He also said he knew he did not want to call his wife and tell her “bye.” She is seven months pregnant and expecting their first child together, a daughter due in the summer.

Air traffic controller Robert Morgan guided Darren through the steps of flying and landing the plane even as Darren continued to struggle with the navigation system. Darren was eventually able to pull into the runway at the Palm Beach International Airport.

As Darren said in The Today Show interview, “the hand of God was on that plane.”

Read the whole story here and/or watch the video here:

Here’s Darren’s 10 minute interview with The Today Show:

Bet Darren’s wife is so proud of him, and thankful he remained so calm!


Monday funnies!


Schools that switched to remote learning harmed children’s educational achievement in math

Here in Oklahoma schools shut down for just six weeks beginning in March 2020 when the pandemic first hit and we didn’t know what to expect. They returned to normal in-school classes in the fall of 2020. Turns out that was really best for the kids.

From Daily Mail:

Students in school districts that relied more heavily on remote learning during the pandemic fell behind in math at a far greater rate than students in states, like Texas and Florida, that stuck to in-person classes, according to a Harvard study.

Nationally, all students have seen a decrease in academic achievement because of the disruption from the pandemic, an issue that has been exacerbated by poverty and race.

But  Prof. Thomas Kane, an economist and director of Harvard’s Center for Education Policy Research, found that kids that were allowed to come to school faired far better than those who were forced to learn over video feed.

‘We estimate that in high poverty schools students lost about half a year of learning if their schools were remote for half a year or more last year,’ Kane told CNN’s Jake Tapper. ‘That’s a large effect.’

The study looked at test scores for 2.1 million American students in 49 states. Math scores suffered more than reading, according to the report.

‘Interestingly, gaps in math achievement by race and school poverty did not widen in school districts in states such as Texas and Florida and elsewhere that remained largely in-person,’ Kane told the Harvard Gazette. ‘Where schools remained in-person, gaps did not widen. Where schools shifted to remote learning, gaps widened sharply.’

Read the whole story here.


Meet the new & adorable Gerber baby!

The left are in meltdown mode over the possibility of not being able to murder babies in the womb. Babies that may be born with physical defects, such as Isa, Gerber’s 2022 baby.

She is so adorable!


Drama-Queen Cat Fakes An Injury In Hopes Of Coming Inside


Golden retrievers meet new baby!

So cute!


High school wrestler born without legs becomes state champion

Proof that one can overcome obstacles.


Dog Rescued From Puppy Mill Loves Going To Crossfit With Her Dad

Never heard of a gym that allows dogs. Pretty cool!