Author Archives: DCG

People have lost their minds: Texas woman caught with 13-year-old in trunk of car because he was COVID positive

The hysteria surrounding the Wuhan virus has made some people stark-raving mad. Example:

Quick summary: A woman stuffed her 13-year-old, COVID-positive son into the trunk of her car to drive him to a Wuhan virus test site. Apparently she believed the trunk situaion was warranted in order to avoid being exposed to the virus. She’s now facing child endangerment charges.

The woman, a teacher, has been placed on administrative leave from her school district.

You can’ read all the details here about this story here.

What happened to this woman’s momma bear instincts? You have a sick child and you take care of them, comfort them, and by no means stuff them in the trunk of a car!

Alas, between the never-ending hysteria and hype surrounding this virus, some people just lose all of their common sense and caring instincts. Terrible.


Thursday funnies!

And the last one….eye bleach warning:


Holiday heroes!


Ever have deer like this in your yard?

This video is from 2015 somewhere in Texas. We get lots of critters here in Oklahoma yet I’ve never experienced something like this!


Such trusting creatures these deer are!

PS: The noise you hear in the background is those dang cicadas we have down here in the South.


Guy blows up his Tesla instead of paying $22K for repairs

This story/video comes from Finland where a man chose to blow up his 2013 Model S Tesla instead of paying $22,000 to fix it.

He’d had it just a month (drove just 900 miles) when he received an error code and had to take it in for service. The repair shop told the man the faulty battery needed to be replaced, at a cost of about $22,000. And since someone had done some prior work on the car, this work would need to be authorized by Tesla.

So instead of spending that insane amount of money to fix a car, he decided to blow it up!

Before they blew up the Tesla, a helicopterdropped a mannequin with the face of Tesla CEO Elon Musk, which they strapped into the driver’s seat of the doomed sedan. LOL.

Blow up starts around the 5:00 mark!

Kinda makes me glad I drive a 20-year-old car that is still running with 164K miles!


11-year-old boy saves two lives on same day!

Davyon Johnson (center)

An 11-year-old boy in Muskogee, Oklahoma had a busy day this past December 9. First Davyon Johnson saved a choking classmate at school, then later that day helped an elderly woman safely flee a burning house. Wow!

The life-saving events started at school when Davyon used an abdominal thrust on a school mate who was choking on a bottle cap. According to Davyon’s school principal:

“… a student was trying to fill his water bottle and trying to loosen the cap with his mouth. The cap slipped into his throa. The choking student stumbled into a nearby classroom, where Davyon happened to be. Davyon immediately sprinted over and did the Heimlich maneuver.”

Later that day, Davyon helped a woman get away from her burning house:

” Davyon saved a woman from her burning house later that day. “It was a disabled lady and she was walking out of her house,” Davyon said. “She was on her porch. But I thought, being a good citizen, I would cross and help her get into her truck and leave.” He said the back of the house was on fire, “but it eventually got to the front of the house.”

Read the whole story here.

The local county sheriff, police and public schools honored Davyon for his actions.

Guess what Davyon wants to be when he grows up? An EMT!

Appears to be an inevitable career path for this young man!


Fun time in the snow!

Are you going to have snow for Christmas?

Here in Oklahoma we’ve had a very mild winter with no snow so far. I don’t mind if we do get some snow though…just like these creatures don’t mind it. Some of the are having a blast in the snow!


Have you tried the new Gingerbread Cookie Kit Kat?

Did you even know that Hershey’s made a Gingerbreat Cookie Kit Kat bar?

They were introduced this year for the Christmas holiday and I just discovered them a week or so ago. I do not like the peppermint and candy cane candies you see this time of year so I was very excited to find this treat!

Instead of a chocolate covering/filling the Kit Kat bar is covered with a gingerbread-flavored creme. I’m such a fan of these that we purchased four bags to get us through December. I just might have to buy a few more bags on my next grocery store trip, LOL.

If you like gingerbread cookies and Kit Kats, I highly recommend you buy some of these before they are gone!


Meet Seamus, a bird rescued by a mom & her kids


Wednesday funnies!