See also “CDC is at it again: Mask up!”
Posted in COVID-19, COVID-19 vaccine, Evil, Health, Hoaxes, political memes, safety, The Left
We are entering the 2024 presidential election season, with state primaries beginning on January 15 at the Iowa caucases, followed by the New Hampshire primary on January 23.
So, of course, the CDC and the legacy (old) media are back to their scare tactics about a new virulent COVID-19 variant, BA.2.86!!!
We must mask up again, despite a review published in late January at the Cochrane Library, which said there was no evidence to prove the spread of COVID-19 infection could be reduced by the use of face masks. Even former CDC director Anthony Fauci admitted that face masks may not be effective on populations when looking at the “pandemic as a whole” — whatever that means — but persists in his stance that people need to follow authorities’ recommendations and wear them. (Epoch News)
Worse than being ineffective, a German study published in March 2023 found that extended mask use increased exposure of children and pregnant women to high levels of Toxic Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOCs). According to the American Lung Association, TVOCs have been shown to cause irritation in the eyes, throat, and nose, and linked to breathing difficulty and damage to the central nervous system and organs like the liver.
Even more perversely is the fact that, according to study after study, COVID-19 vaccines provided only at best short-term or no protection against the virus. Moreover, people who had gotten COVID-19 vaccine boosters were more likely to contract COVID-19 than people who had received no COVID-19 vaccine doses. The latest study is one of prisons in California.
All those studies have not stopped some schools, colleges, and hospitals from reinstating the mask mandate.
Thankfully, some states are fighting back, their governors and legislatures vowing to ban mask mandate and lock down. They are all red states: Arkansas, Florida, Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, and Utah. (Newsweek)
Posted in COVID-19, COVID-19 vaccine, Democrats, Health, Hoaxes, Joe Biden, The Left
Tagged 2023 COVID-19 variant, BA.2.86, COVID-19 boosters, COVID-19 vaccines
On August 2, 2023, the Australian Senate’s Education and Employment Legislation Committee conducted a hearing, in which two officers of the pharmaceutical company Pfizer (Pfizer Australia’s Country Medical Director, Dr. Krishan Thiru, and Head of Regulatory Sciences, Dr. Brian Hewitt) admitted that:
Yet another "conspiracy theory" validated.
— Robert W Malone, MD (@RWMaloneMD) August 4, 2023
Australian Senator Gerard Rennick forced Pfizer to admit that they didn’t understand the mechanism by which the vaccine causes myocarditis and pericarditis. (H/t Tim Shey)
And why did José María Fernández Sousa-Faro, the founder and president of PharmaMar, a pharmaceutical company that creates and distributes drugs to treat coronavirus, fake paperwork that stated he was fully vaccinated?
Isn’t it high time our Congress investigate Pfizer and other COVID vaccine manufacturers?
Cognitive dissonance is a major impediment to waking people up from hypnotic indoctrination.
Dear friends, I want to state this briefly. My silence on the site is due to my own cognitive dissonance. During my active phase online I boldly opposed the Left and the Democrats. I saw the lines drawn between reliable conservative and obvious leftists. At a certain moment I became aware of more factors in our battle than I was prepared for.
For instance, I thought the Bush family was okay, and even favorable to our cause. I was not ready to see a convincing case made against Bush Senior, Bush Junior and Junior’s brother. However, at this time I have seen compelling evidence of Senior’s involvement in the murder of JFK and the attempt to murder President Reagan. I have also seen compelling arguments made of Junior’s connection to the 9-11 attacks.
Some of you are asking how it took so long for me to get this. Again, cognitive dissonance is my answer. Like so many who can’t recognize the obvious, I found that even entertaining the thought was too painful. I see this is also in the hypnotic spell people are under regarding Covid 19 and vaccinations.
Being a friend of many Jews in my life, I also couldn’t deal with the truth about the Khazarian Mafia (aka the “synagogue of Satan”, those who say they are jews but are not). Well, I still love my Jewish friends, and am thrilled with the existence of the nation of Israel, even though many bad people were involved in its restoration. The Bible clearly says that the nation of Israel will exist again, and that it is NOT because the Jews are righteous, but because God’ promises are trustworthy.
It took a long time for me to resolve my opinions and recalculate my understandings, feel ready to speak again.
What has never shaken is my confidence in the Lord and in His Word. If I couldn’t get the straight truth on TV or online, I could get the truth by opening my Bible and being instructed by the Holy Spirit.
So there it is. And this was the brief version; you wouldn’t want to sit through the long version.
~ Trail Dust
Posted in COVID-19, COVID-19 vaccine, Uncategorized
Australia has become a tyrannical state, using Covid as the excuse.
The latest: On January 13, 2022, the government of Western Australia, in the person of Premier Mark McGowan, announced that beginning tomorrow (January 31), the unvaccinated will be locked down, barred from most public settings, and that the rules “will not be removed any time soon.”
Australia has undertaken this downright vicious policy despite the fact that being vaccinated affords little to no protection from the Covid virus of whatever variant, the truth of which is confirmed recently by the positive Covid tests and symptoms of two fully-vaxxed friends of mine. (See my post “Questions raised by fully-vaccinated Colin Powell’s death from COVID-19”.)
Meanwhile, two countries — England and Ireland — are doing the exact opposite. Instead of doubling down on Covid restrictions, they actually are ending the lockdown, effectively declaring an end to the pandemic.
On January 19, 2022, UK Prime Minister announced the end of all Covid measures, including compulsory mask-wearing on public transport and in shops, work-from-home guidance, the need to show a certificate proving vaccination or a recent negative Covid test to enter some venues, the legal requirement on people with coronavirus to self-isolate, and an immediate end to the need for pupils to wear masks at secondary (high) schools. Johnson said: “In the country at large we will continue to suggest the use of face coverings in enclosed or crowded spaces, particularly when you come into contact with people you don’t normally meet, but we will trust the judgment of the British people and no longer criminalise anyone who chooses not to wear one.” (The Guardian)
January 21, 2022, Prime Minister Micheál Martin declared that most Covid restrictions in Ireland would end the next day (Jan. 22), including vaccination certificates or passports, curfews, social distancing, restrictions on private indoor meetings (up to four families), and capacity limits for events and weddings. However, mask-wearing is still required on public transport for those aged 9 and over, in schools for children, and in most indoor public spaces for those aged 13 and over, unless food and drinks are being consumed. Testing and isolation guidance for people with Covid symptoms and positive tests, and their contacts remain the same.
Martin said: “Humans are social beings and we Irish are more social than most. As we look forward to this spring, we need to see each other again. We need to see each other smile. We need to sing again…it is time to be ourselves again.” He said people’s trust in the government is a “precious and powerful,” yet “fragile” thing that requires “confidence that the government will do what is needed in an emergency,” as well as knowing “their government will not impose restrictions on their personal freedoms for any longer than is necessary.” (Epoch Times)
But did you hear or see this earthshaking news in the mainstream media?
Why’s that?
Posted in COVID-19, COVID-19 vaccine, Evil, The Left
Tagged end of Covid lockdown, PM Boris Johnson, PM Micheál Martin, Premier Mark McGowan
Our government is hellbent on getting us vaccinated, despite the facts that:
In the United States at least, in contrast to frighteningly-totalitarian ostensibly-democratic countries like Australia, freedom-loving Americans are resisting the vaccine mandate by refusing the vaccine even under threat of losing their jobs, suing businesses and state/federal governments, and the governors of some red states refusing to comply with the CDC and the federal government.
So the federal government, in the guise of the National Science Foundation, is now resorting to DECEPTION to get us vaccinated by funding a group of unscrupulous scientists with $1.6 million of taxpayers dollars to genetically modify fruits and vegetables to contain hidden mRNA vaccines!
The diabolical research is a collaboration of scientists from U.C. Riverside (UCR), U.C. San Diego and Carnegie Mellon University. Leading the research is Juan Pablo Giraldo, an associate professor in UCR’s Department of Botany and Plant Sciences.
A Sept. 16, 2021 press release, “Grow and eat your own vaccines,” from U.C. Riverside crows:
The future of vaccines may look more like eating a salad than getting a shot in the arm. UC Riverside scientists are studying whether they can turn edible plants like lettuce into mRNA vaccine factories….
One of the challenges with this new technology is that it must be kept cold to maintain stability during transport and storage. If this new project is successful, plant-based mRNA vaccines — which can be eaten — could overcome this challenge with the ability to be stored at room temperature.
The key to making this work are chloroplasts — small organs in plant cells that convert sunlight into energy (sugar and other molecules) the plant uses to grow. Past research by Giraldo’s laboratory shows that using nanotechnology, the chloroplasts can be manipulated to “express” genes that aren’t naturally part of the plant by sending foreign genetic material into plant cells inside a protective casing.
The new NSF-funded research will use the same nanotechnology, developed by UC San Diego scientist Nicole Steinmetz, to deliver vaccines into the chloroplasts.
The press release quotes lead scientist Giraldo:
“Ideally, a single plant would produce enough mRNA to vaccinate a single person. We are testing this approach with spinach and lettuce and have long-term goals of people growing it in their own gardens. Farmers could also eventually grow entire fields of it. I’m very excited about all of this research. I think it could have a huge impact on peoples’ lives.”
H/t Greenworxx
Posted in COVID-19 vaccine, Evil, Health
Tagged chloroplasts, Juan Pablo Giraldo, Nicole Steinmetz, NSF, vaccines in fruits and vegetables
On August 23, 2021, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, a veterinarian (!) who got his Ph.D. from a Greek university’s veterinary school, was asked by NBC’s Lester Holt if the pharmaceutical giant’s Covid-19 vaccine has “serious side effects”. This is his nonverbal reaction:
Have you seen a neck that bulges and changes shape like Bourla’s?
Here is the full interview (weird neck 1:16 to 1:20 mark):
Meanwhile, Pfizer scientist Kathrin Jansen, Head of Vaccine Research and Development, admitted the pharmaceutical did not test its Covid vaccine on human subjects!
From “Pfizer Admitted its Vaccine Does NOT Prevent Covid Infection,” Alliance for Human Research Protection, Jan. 14, 2021:
Public health officials have said over and over that they do not know if the vaccines prevent spread. Pfizer’s lead representative to the FDA VRBPAC meeting, Kathrin Jansen, PhD, said that Pfizer did not test human subjects to see if those vaccinated could get and spread the infection.
But Jansen admitted that Pfizer DID test primates–and found that vaccinated monkeys did get Covid infections despite being vaccinated. Their duration of infection was shorter than in the unvaccinated monkeys.
To top it off, according to former Pfizer VP Dr. Michael Yeadon, a British pharmacologist who has repeatedly sounded warnings about the side-effects of Covid vaccines, said there is no need for the Covid vaccines!
LifeSiteNews reports on Nov. 23, 2020, that Dr. Yeadon, “a former Vice President and Chief Scientist for the company has flatly rejected the need for any vaccines to bring the COVID-19 pandemic to an end.” Yeadon had “spent over 30 years leading new [allergy and respiratory] medicines research in some of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies,” and retired from Pfizer with “the most senior research position in this field.”
In a recent article, Dr. Yeadon wrote:
There is absolutely no need for vaccines to extinguish the pandemic. I’ve never heard such nonsense talked about vaccines. You do not vaccinate people who aren’t at risk from a disease. You also don’t set about planning to vaccinate millions of fit and healthy people with a vaccine that hasn’t been extensively tested on human subjects.
No doubt, you heard and saw the news that Colin Powell, 84, the anti-Trump Republican, had died from “complications” from COVID-19.
What the news headlines omitted, however, is that Powell was fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
The source of the news is Powell’s Facebook page. His family posted this announcement yesterday, October 18, at 4:48 AM (red emphasis supplied):
General Colin L. Powell, former U.S. Secretary of State and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, passed. away this morning due to complications from Covid 19. He was fully vaccinated. We want to thank the medical staff at Walter Reed National Medical Center for their caring treatment. We have lost a remarkable and loving husband, father, grandfather and a great American.The Powell Family
CNN was quick to defend the vaccine, insisting that Powell’s immune system was impaired by his multiple myeloma blood cancer, which “made it difficult to fight the virus.”
But weren’t we told that the elderly (65 and over) and those with co-morbidities (like cancer) are precisely the people who really should get Covid-vaccinated? 84-year-old Powell, with blood cancer, was among just those groups whom the government urges to get vaxxed.
It must be asked: So what’s the point of getting the Covid vaccine?
The facts are that:
(1) Lockdown Singapore had months of near-zero cases of Covid. But after 85% of its population got vaxxed, new confirmed cases of Covid dramatically increased (NYT).
Source: Dr. Eli David
(2) Israel, having one of the highest Covid vaccination rates in the world with 78% of people 12 years and over fully vaxxed by August 2021, also is seeing a dramatic spike in Covid cases. Moreover, 60% of hospitalised cases are vaccinated. The Guardian takes pain to state that paradoxically, “This is something called the ‘paradox of vaccination’ – in highly vaccinated populations, most cases will be in the vaccinated because no vaccine is 100% protective,” and that “the rate of serious cases in Israel is double for unvaccinated under-60s and nine times higher for unvaccinated over-60s, so vaccines remain highly protective against severe outcomes.”
But is that true?
(3) In Vermont, Covid is rising faster among the vaxxed than among the unvaxxed (Vermont Daily Chronicle):
Meanwhile, questions concerning the safety of the Covid pseudo-vaccines continue:
(1) A recent study, published in the BMJ (British Medical Journal), found that some 35,000 British women experienced menstrual irregularities (late periods, heavy and breakthrough bleeding) after their vaccination against Covid. (The Telegraph) I am not aware of any flu vaccines that have/had these effects on a woman’s menstruation. One wonders what other effects the Covid vaccines wreak on our bodies — effects that don’t yet manifest themselves in visible symptoms like heavy menstrual bleeding.
(2) Countless (because no institution or individual is keeping track, which means we are left with anecdotal accounts) vaxxed people died or became very ill:
Meanwhile, the scapegoating and persecution of the unvaxxed continue:
The data and incidents cited in this post are just some reports I’d collected. There are plenty more cases and examples.
Posted in COVID-19, COVID-19 vaccine, Health, Joe Biden, safety
Tagged Anthony Fauci, Colin Powell
Wayne Allyn Root writes in Townhall, Sept. 5, 2021:
It’s been quite a week. I’ve been in the media business for decades and I’ve never before witnessed such lies, exaggeration and outright fraud. All with the intent to force everyone to be vaccinated. The question is why?
Let’s start with the vaccine itself. The results in Israel prove what a sham, charade and fraud this all is. The U.S. government and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention argue that the vaccine is our only chance to survive. And that people are hospitalized and dying with COVID-19 because they are unvaccinated.
Both arguments are pure fraud.
First, are you aware that anyone who dies within 14 days of getting vaccinated is considered “unvaccinated”? No wonder they claim everyone who is dying is unvaccinated. If you die from COVID-19, whether you’re vaccinated or unvaccinated, they just call you unvaccinated.
If a businessperson in the private sector tried that scam, they’d spend the next 20 years in prison for fraud.
The CDC has also been using stats of COVID-19 deaths going back to January to make the claim that the deaths are almost exclusively among the unvaccinated. That’s because earlier in the year almost everyone was unvaccinated. That’s called rigging the numbers. The CDC must be using the same Democrats who rigged and stole the 2020 election.
Worst of all, the media has blacked out the developing disaster in Israel. Israel is the most vaccinated country in the world. They all got the Pfizer vaccine. At first, deaths and hospitalizations went to almost zero. Israel declared victory over COVID-19.
But everything changed. Today a massive COVID-19 outbreak has engulfed vaccinated Israel. Hospitals are full. People are dying. At this moment, Israel, the most vaccinated nation in the world, has more COVID-19 infections per capita than any country in the world.At this moment, 0.2% of the entire population of Israel is catching COVID-19 each day.
This past week was the worst week for COVID-19 in Israel EVER. Israel is setting records for vaccinated people in the hospital. Deaths are skyrocketing.
It’s so bad, no-mask, no-lockdown Sweden has just banned travelers from Israel. Many EU countries are following suit.
The vaccine isn’t just failing, it’s a spectacular fail. It wore off. It no longer works. And just as my holistic doctor friends predicted, it makes the next wave far worse. These doctors say vaccinated people are far more contagious; they carry heavier viral loads and are far more susceptible to getting severe illness than someone with “natural immunity.”
This experiment with an “experimental, emergency-use-only” vaccine is a great big failure. A dangerous and deadly failure.
But at this very moment, Biden, the CDC and the U.S. media are pushing the vaccine, vaccine mandates and vaccine passports harder than ever. The question is why?
Why is forcing every American to get vaccinated so important at the exact moment Israel proves the vaccine they’re pushing is a dramatic, dangerous and deadly failure?
See also “Covid vaccine follies: Unvaxxed scapegoated; vaxxed vulnerable to more severe diseases”