Saturday Animals ❤️

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Little poodle brings his own dish to the dining table 🙂


While this cat brings her toy-buddy to dinner!


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Brian Heinz
Brian Heinz
1 year ago

Doc these are some of the best yet. Thank you for the smile and laugh much needed these days.

Gracie Storvika
Gracie Storvika
1 year ago

Just getting to view those gladdened my heart. I cannot even say which one was the best. They were all wonderful.

Gracie Storvika
Gracie Storvika
1 year ago

I thought of something that I felt was rather reassuring; I saw online an article written by a Oncologist who had been in practice for several decades. During the course of treating his cancer patients, he became interested in “near death experiences” where individuals have actually died and for some unknown reason returned to their bodies. He said that a predominant theme in the 5,000 patients who had this experience that most reported that they were greeted by family members and the “individuals deceased pets.” I do not know about anyone else but I was gladdened by the notion that I would be reunited with my beloved pets. I always took it as a given that I would be reunited with my family members. (Please forgive me if I have previously written about this, maybe my mind is getting forgetful.) Just seeing these various dogs and how precious their antics are, made me think of that. How precious our beloved pets are and how they enrich our lives tremendously. Our lives on the other side would be just a little bit less satisfying if we could not resume our association with them.

1 year ago


1 year ago


1 year ago

Wow, all of these were just great!

1 year ago

Whoever said animals can’t talk never had a dog. Wonderful.