The Tranny-Mayor Caption Contest

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This is our world-famous 279th Caption Contest!

Here’s the pic:

About the pic: Raúl Ureña, the “transgender” mayor of Calexico, CA , lost a recall vote with a staggering 74% votes demanding his immediate removal from office because he allowed crime to soar in the city. Ureña, who came out as a genderfluid “woman” in 2022, blamed transphobia for his removal (Source: X).

You know the drill:

  • Enter the contest by submitting your caption as a comment on this thread (scroll down until you see the “LEAVE A REPLY” box).
  • Body and Soul‘s writers will vote for the winner.
  • Any captions proffered by our writers, no matter how brilliant (ha ha), will not be considered. :(

This contest will be closed at the end of Tuesday, Ma7 14, 2024.

‘To get the contest going, here’s my caption:

So as many as a quarter (26%) of Calexico’s voters favored retaining Raúl Ureña as their mayor. No wonder California is a failed state.

For the winner of our Caption Contest, go here.


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5 months ago

Would you like to braid my chest hair?

5 months ago

Boys don’t make passes at trans who wear glasses.

5 months ago

(not in the contest) Shame on the California voter who even voted for this guy the first time.

Gracie Storvika
Gracie Storvika
5 months ago

Anyone who would vote for this obviously “troubled and confused” candidate, is no doubt just as confused; the sad thing is everyone else must live under the rule and edicts of what confused people are willing to vote into being.

Brian Heinz
Brian Heinz
5 months ago

Is there something wrong with my makeup? Everyone keeps staring at me?

5 months ago

So now you know where the former circus freak sideshow employees ended up after, “Woke, PC politics” shut them all down. Hey! They gotta go somewhere, Right? Might as well be one of your gov’t “leaders,” led by Brandon himself and his puppeteers. I consider “Rachel” Levine and the luggage stealing “non-binary” perp Sam (or is that, “Samantha”?) Brinton as proof of this.

Last edited 5 months ago by GregB
5 months ago

Not mayor anymore? Poor baby. Perhaps he-she-it-them-those-whatever could get a job advertising Bud Lite.

5 months ago

Let’s forget about “voter ID” momentarily and start with the ID of the candidate.

Captain America
Captain America
5 months ago

Miss Hamas!!! Looking good Chica.

5 months ago

How can they expect us to accept them for what they pretend to be when they could not even accept themselves for who they actually were?

Last edited 5 months ago by GregB
5 months ago

Checking in again…not another entry but a comment. I was missing my grandparents and parents tonight. I even had great-grandparents who were so influential in my life when my parents needed help and so I was the beneficiary of their love and uplifting, and the people who made me who I am today. Looking at this sad sack, I am wondering where we are leaving our next generations today? Are we going to have any next generations? If we do, what legacy and leadership do we leave them? What do we send from us into the future?

5 months ago

Also want to comment on the fact that the Rite Aids in my State are closing now…signs out on corners to tell us…but other related posts here are closed to me commenting on this debacle….like relating to the dollar stores & so many others. JOE BIDEN (& my Gov Newsom) did this thru’ major detrimental business decrees…we are 2-3 years post Covid. No one else to blame. These businesses should be thriving post Covid…but are throttled due to recent lack of enforcement of theft enforcement (defund the police) & other recently enforced wage laws in Mexifornia ($20 per hr).

Meanwhile…so glad I’ve kept my membership in an uber-large health and drug-care system to not have to depend upon Rite Aid and others in the public interest, but so sorry for others who depend upon Rite Aid & others who will be next. Does America NOT SEE that, no matter what, our government will control us all at any economic level thru economic & social /economic /emotional sources are pushing us like cattle into socialized medicine and pharmacology/availability/ availability/ cost of our medicines? Trump tried to stop it or ameliorate progress… so people could find alternatives if wished or earned elsewhere within their health and retirement systems earned through their work lifetimes. I am a history teacher and both WWI and WWII despots decreed that “He who controls health care of the masses will control the future.” If you abandon this message, you abandon your future….If you can not find a way to govern you own health care (& I might add your chidren’s education) you have no future invested in your interests..but only int the interests of the state.

5 months ago

He couldn’t have waxed that part if was going to wear that dress?

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous