Category Archives: COVID-19

Why some decline the COVID-19 vaccine

Some businesses, states (e.g., Oregon) and even countries are requiring vaccine passports or proof of you having been vaccinated against the COVID-19 Wuhan virus.

Many Americans, including health care professionals (in March 2021, as many as 48% of all health care workers had not taken the vaccine although they were eligible) refuse this vaccine for reasons that include the following:

(1) In the cases of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines that are most widely deployed in the United States, they really are not vaccines in the traditional sense because they do not inject DNA of the actual coronavirus which would stimulate your body’s immune system to produce antibodies. Instead, a wholly new method is employed by injecting molecules of a synthetic RNA (ribonucleic acid) into your body. Those molecules act as messengers (thus, mRNA) that cause an “adaptive immune response” that presumably would lead your body to identify and destroy the COVID-19 virus.

(2) There are known side-effects of being vaccinated, ranging from fairly mild effects like pain and swelling in the injection site, headaches, chills, fever and fatigue (CDC), to severe side-effects in allegedly “rare” cases, including “temporary” paralysis and allergic reactions that have led to death.

(3) Rushed into production, the vaccines did not undergo the usual protocol of lengthy human trials, which means possible long-term effects of these vaccines are unknown. That would explain why in the United States, the vaccine manufacturers are exempt from legal liability. From CNet:

At this point, it’s way too early to determine whether the COVID-19 vaccines cause long-term side effects, although experts are confident the vaccines are safe. The CDC, WHO, FDA and other health institutions will continue to monitor long-term effects and collect data as more people get vaccinated.

In other words, and to put it bluntly, vaccinated people are being used as guinea pigs in a massive medical experiment.

For people who refuse to receive this experimental “vaccine,” below are images of the front and back of the CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card showing you’ve been vaccinated against the Wuhan virus. (H/t Elizabeth)


  • Resize the two images to 3″ x 4″.
  • Center and print the first image (front of vaccination card) on card-type paper.
  • Then flip the paper, center and print the second image (back of vaccination card).

Here is source link, where additional info can be found:

See also “Madness: Coronavirus-vaccinated are ditching friends who refuse to be vaccinated“.


Madness: Coronavirus-vaccinated are ditching friends who refuse to be vaccinated

In March 2020, a Pew Research Center survey found that “white liberals” were more likely (46%) to have been diagnosed with a mental health condition compared with their moderate and conservatives peers.

The disparity was especially pronounced among young people, aged 18-19:

  • Nearly half of young white liberals (46%) reported being diagnosed with a mental health condition, whereas 26% of young white moderates and 21% of young white conservatives reported a mental health diagnosis.
  • The more liberal the young white liberals, the more mentally ill.
  • Young white females who identified as liberal or very liberal were by far the most likely (56%) to report a mental health diagnosis, compared with 28% of young moderate women and 27% of young conservative women.

Here’s the latest example.

Disproportionately more Democrats or liberals have chosen to receive the COVID-19 vaccine of whatever manufacturer, none of which has gone through the usual protocol of human trials, which means we simply don’t know what the long term  effects of these vaccines are.

While I believe that everyone has and should have the freedom to decide whether they want to be vaccinated, have you noticed that those who are vaccinated are downright hostile toward people who decline to be vaccinated?

Some time ago, a Facebook friend (I have one friend on my fake Facebook account using an alias in order to access content that is only available if I have an account) posted that she was considering not getting the Covid vaccine and asked her friends (who number 1,650) if they would get vaccinated. I responded, pointing out that the vaccine’s long term effects are unknown. The reaction to my comment was one of fury (angry emoji) from others who were  incandescent rage at my pointing out a fact, a truth. If I had been their Facebook friends, I’m sure they would have unfriended me.

Kate Mulvey in 2007 (source: Daily Mail)

Kate Mulvey is a free-lance UK journalist who regularly writes for The TelegraphIn an essay for The Telegraph on June 2, 2021, Mulvey related that when a “friend” said she declined the COVID-19 vaccine, Mulvey found herself “fuming” and “increasingly angry at those who refused to be vaxxed.”

Mulvey called those who refuse to be vaccinated “vaccine-dodging idiocy”. Applauding TV personalities (Countdown presenter Nick Hewer and Good Morning Britain host Adil Ray) who ditched friends who had decided not to have the Covid vaccine, Mulvey declared she too is “no longer seeing those friends who refuse to get jabbed.”

Here’s another example of their mental illness and irrationality.

A new study by German scientists at Munich University found that lockdowns had little effect on controlling the coronavirus pandemic. The statisticians found “no direct connection” between the German lockdown and falling infection rates in that on three occasions before a national lockdown was imposed in April, November and December 2020, infection rates had already begun to fall.

Notwithstanding the demonstrable ineffectiveness of lockdowns, a new Gallup survey found that as many as 71% of U.S. Democrats want healthy people to stay home “as much as possible,” even as vaccinations soar and new Covid infections have plummeted. In contrast, 87% of Republicans surveyed and 64% of independents said it was time for people to start living normally after more than a year of pandemic shutdowns and working from home.


Enzyme used to develop COVID19 tests is named after Lucifer, aka Satan

There is a rumor going around on the net that the COVID-19 vaccines contain luciferin (an organic compound) or luciferase (an enzyme). But that rumor was debunked by a Reuters fact-check:

The novel coronavirus vaccine manufactured by Moderna does not contain luciferin, an organic compound involved in bioluminescence, or the enzyme luciferase, contrary to claims on social media. While luciferase was involved in some COVID-19 research in the summer of 2020, none of the available vaccines contain either ingredient.

Suggesting a Satanic link, a post on Facebook reads, “MODERNA VACCINE CONTAINS “LUCIFERIN” IN A 66.6 SOLUTION. YOU CAN’T MAKE THIS STUFF UP (here). Other posts making this claim can be found here , here and here….

A fact sheet on the FDA’s website here discloses the ingredients in the vaccine. It includes mRNA, lipids, cholesterol, 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine, tromethamine, tromethamine hydrochloride, acetic acid, sodium acetate, and sucrose.

It does not list luciferin, an organic compound that produces light through oxidation (here), in its ingredients, or mention anything about a “a 66.6 solution,” as the posts claim.

Moreover, none of the other available vaccines, manufactured by Pfizer, Janssen and AstraZeneca, contain luciferin, according to ingredients lists seen here , here and here.

However, Reuters determined that the enzyme luciferase is used to develop COVID-19 tests:

While the enzyme is not a vaccine ingredient, researchers at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston last July isolated luciferase from fireflies to develop more accurate COVID-19 tests and potential treatments (here).

Scientists at the University of South Florida College of Public Health conducted similar research (here).

Reuters airily proclaimed that “Lucifer,” “luciferin” and “luciferase” all come from the Latin lux, meaning light, and ferre, meaning to carry, and that despite their shared etymology, the compound and enzyme are not related to the fallen angel.


Since the root word of “luciferin” and “luciferase” is the Latin “lux,” meaning light, if “light” is what is meant, the enzyme and compound in question should more accurately be named “luxferin” or “luxferase.”

Instead, “luciferin” and “luciferase” were chosen — deliberately — with full knowledge of the meaning of the word “lucifer” for Christians.

One must ask why.

Why would anyone name this enzyme “luciferase” or the organic compound “luciferin” after the fallen angel Lucifer, aka Satan?


Wednesday Funnies!


The 4 elderly elites Caption Contest

This is our 242nd world-famous Caption Contest!

Here’s the pic (h/t DCG):

About the pic: On May 3, 2021, the Carter Library released the above photo of Joe (age 78) and Jill (age 69) Biden’s visit a week ago with former President and First Lady Jimmy (age 96) and Rosalyn Carter (age 93). (Source)

You know the drill:

  • Enter the contest by submitting your caption as a comment on this thread (scroll down until you see the “LEAVE A REPLY” box).
  • Body and Soul‘s writers will vote for the winner.
  • Any captions proffered by our writers, no matter how brilliant (ha ha), will not be considered. :(

This contest will be closed in two weeks, at the end of Tuesday, May 18, 2021.

To get the contest going, here’s my caption:

Four elderly elites from separate households gather without masks or social distancing. Still need evidence that COVID-19 rules are bogus?

For the winner of our last caption contest, go here.


RIP, Dave (1964-2020)

Today, March 29, would have been Dave’s 57th birthday.

Dave was a reader of Fellowship of the Minds from almost the founding of FOTM on December 23, 2009, and became a contributing writer soon after.

A civil engineer in mapping and land-surveying by profession, Dave was a staunch conservative-libertarian and had a great sense of humor.

Although his contributions to FOTM had greatly diminished in recent years because of ill health, this post of his, “Too Funny Not to Share,” on September 23, 2019, should give you an idea of both his conservativism and sense of humor:

Too Funny Not to Share

What happens when a climate change protester kook tries to take away a French cop’s weapon:

Watch this hypnotic GIF of a climate protester trying to take a cop’s rifle

Note: You have to click on the link at the top.

LOL – I bet you can’t stop watching it. 😁

– Dave

I downloaded the GIF, then uploaded it to FOTM to make it more readily viewable for our readers:

Last year, it dawned on me that I had not seen comments from Dave for quite some time — his last comment was in March 2020.

I first emailed him, but received no response.

Then I called him, and left a voice mail. (He lived alone.)

Days and weeks went by.

Still no response.

I began searching online for obituaries, but found none.

Finally, while rummaging through my saved emails one day, I happened on an email from Dave’s sister-in-law, Kristy, who had emailed me in December 2013 during one of Dave’s hospitalizations.

I emailed Kristy, inquiring about Dave, although by then I knew something was very wrong.

Kristy promptly wrote back with the sad news that Dave had passed on June 9, 2020 from liver failure. She wrote:

He was in terrible health and had stayed away from the hospital because he was afraid he’d get Covid. I believe he’d still be alive today if he had been able to get his routine care. He passed away on the couch and we had spoken with him just a day earlier. He knew he was loved and we miss him terribly.

There was no funeral service because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Nor was there an obituary. So this is FOTM‘s obituary and tribute to Dave — faithful patriot, witty blogger, and a loyal friend, whom I very much miss.

Rest in peace, my friend.


This is what happens to newborn babies in a COVID-19 world

We already know that in the COVID-19 world, people died and are dying alone because family members are not allowed to visit their loved ones in hospitals and nursing homes.

But I had no idea that newborn babies are subjected to this utterly inhumane treatment, deprived of human touch (h/t Ian Miles Cheong):


Fall in U.S. life expectancy from COVID-19 deaths and long-term health effects

A year of COVID-19 has had its toll in life expectancy.

Dennis Thompson reports for HealthDay, Feb. 18, 2021, that a new report by the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), published in the Vital Statistics Rapid Release, found that average life expectancy in the United States took a drastic plunge during the first half of 2020. Overall U.S. life expectancy dropped to 77.8 years, down one full year from the 78.8 years estimated in 2019.

To put those numbers in context, it made headlines when average U.S. life expectancy, after years of steady increases, dropped by just 0.2 years between 2014 and 2015.

For the rest of the post, go to our other alternate blog, Consortium of Defense Analystshere.



Saturday Funnies!
