Tag Archives: #2A

WA State wants to punish gun owners who have firearms stolen

When Seattle was safe…

I grew up in Washington State and moved to a red state over a decade ago.

The most populas county (King, where I grew up) was a decent and safe place growing up. As teens we would go downtown to the Seattle Center and run around by ourselves (go on the rides, monorail, etc.) with no incidents.

Fast forward after decades of democrat control and Washington state (and their most populas counties) are no longer safe.

Last September, a 2023 FBI crime data report showed that for the last five consecutive years when comparing Washington state to the national average, murders are 408% higher, vehicle thefts higher by 144%, and burglaries, robberies, and aggravated assaults are all higher since 2019.

Governor Jay Inslee (first elected in 2013, out of office as of this month) enacted some of the strictest gun control laws during his tenure in Washington state.

But for democrat gun grabbers, it is never enough. Now the demorats in the state legisltature are proposing even stricter gun storage laws and if your firearm is stolen because you didnt store it according to their mandate, one could face very stiff penalties.

From MyNorthwest:

“A new bill aimed at curbing rising gun thefts throughout the state has been drawn up for lawmakers to mull and debate in the Washington Legislature.

House Bill 1152 proposes specific requirements for storing a legally owned firearm for gun owners (they would have to store their firearms in a hard case or lock the trigger in a soft case) and significant penalties if the gun is stolen. The owner of a gun that becomes stolen could face a $1,000 fine, and if the thief who stole the firearm is someone who legally cannot own a gun and commits a violent crime with said gun, the gun owner could be charged with a separate felony.

“For example, in your vehicle, if you have to have the pistol, it has to be stored and unloaded in a container that’s opaque, locked, hard-sided and fixed to the vehicle. It has to be concealed and your vehicle has to be locked. If it’s a rifle or a shotgun, it needs to be stored in a soft-sided case and have a trigger lock,” Andrew Lanier, producer of “The Gee and Ursula Show,” said on the show. “Now, if that gun is stolen, you can be liable for a fine of up to $1,000 if it is not secured. If someone steals that gun, it is a misdemeanor.

“If someone who’s not allowed to own a gun, say, a felon or a minor, steals it and gets possession, it is a gross misdemeanor,” Lanier continued in his explanation of the proposed bill. “If someone not allowed to have a gun gets your gun and commits a crime with it, say, for example, someone holds up to 7-Eleven, now it becomes a felony if your stolen gun that was unsecured was used in a crime that hurts someone else. And I need to point out a Class C felony is up to five years in prison and a $10,000 fine. I don’t think you would get that much, but it would also mean that you’re a felon and no longer allowed to own a gun.”

Read the whole article here.

Democrats have been doing their best to implement “backdoor” laws that limit gun ownership. They will do everything they can to punish legal gun owners in hopes of eliminating the Second Amendment.

Loved ‘ya growing up, Washington. Sad to say I will never move back to that once beautiful state.

I will stay put in my red state of Oklahoma. Our residents and politicians would never tolerate such an infringement upon our Second Amendment right. Which is just how I like it. Course the only drawback to living in Oklahoma is dealing with this:


Get out of Los Angeles: Man’s conceal carry permit pulled after defending his home

If you can, get out of blue cities that have been controlled by democrats for decades.

Los Angeles is one such democrat-run city that is failing its citizens. Along with other blue cities, Los Angeles is facing homelessness, increased crime and open-air drug use.

On the other hand, Los Angeles is not failing is their criminals.

Vince Ricci defended his home and family on November 4th when two armed thugs tried to take him down. Fortunately Ricci was carrying and able to scare off the intruders.

Fast forward a couple weeks and the Los Angeles Police Department is revoking Ricci’s conceal carry permit. Why? From The Daily Mail:

“Ricci told Fox News the sheriff’s office called him on Thursday telling him it was due to him ‘yelling’ at officers. He had previously blasted the LAPD for ‘sloppy police work’, including their alleged negligence in picking up casings scattered near his home as evidence.”

Watch Ricci speak of the event:

You can read more details about his story here.

Democrats have proven they don’t care about the rights of law-abiding citizens. The criminals now run the systems prevelant throughout blue cities. Get out of one if you can. It may save your life.


Score one for the 2A: 67-year-old woman shoots & kills armed intruder

She saved herself and her 90-year-old mom. You go, girl!


Springfield SA-35: Any one got their hands on one yet?

I’m curious if any of our readers has gotten their hands on a Springfield SA-35 yet. We can’t find any for sale in our part of Oklahoma. We’re on a waitlist to purchase at this point.

Here’s a brief summary of the features of this firearm:

The Browning Hi-Power is one of my all-time favorite firearms so I’m very excited to try this Springfield version. This Sprinfield SA-35 has some great upgrades to the P-35 design: No magazine disconnect, beveled the magazine well, better thumb safety, standard 15-round mag capacity, and a new grip, among other features. And bonus: it’s made in the USA!

Outdoor Life has a good review of the SA-35 here.


77-year-old man with a CCL shoots and kills robber in Chicago

From MyFoxChicago:

“An elderly man with a concealed carry license shot and killed a robber in Chicago on Saturday afternoon, police said.

The 77-year-old was in a garage on East 89th near MLK in West Chesterfield around 12:30 p.m. when the robber drove up.

The robber pulled out a gun and demanded the elderly man’s stuff, police said.

Instead of handing his things over, the elderly man pulled out a gun and shot the robber in the head and chest, police said. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

Chicago Police said that the elderly man has a valid Firearms Owner Identification Card and a Concealed Carry License. The Chicago Fire Department confirmed that he is a retired firefighter.”


California man who twice broke into his dad’s former home fatally shot by new owners

Feel good story to start your week!

From Yahoo:

A California man who broke into his old home twice in the same weekend was fatally shot by the new owners, according to a press release from the Calaveras County Sheriff’s Office.

Authorities identified the man as 28-year-old Lennin Elizalde, the son of the house’s former owner, according to the sheriff’s office.

While moving in on October 9, the new owners noticed Elizalde inside their home after he broke in through the side door, the news release said.

Law enforcement said Elizalde refused to leave the property until the new owners called 911, and said he threatened the two occupants but left the scene before detectives arrived, the sheriff’s office said.

Elizalde was later located by deputies and “was arrested for illegal entry into a dwelling, vandalism, and possession of methamphetamine,” the news release said. “While transporting him to jail, Lennin informed the deputy that he believed that the residence was still his property and that he intended to return to the home.”

When Elizalde was in custody, a deputy requested to increase his bail based on his threats. A judge later denied the application due to the nature of his misdemeanor charges, according to the news release.

He was released from jail and returned to the property just after 12 a.m. on October 10. The new owners told authorities Elizalde broke into the home by kicking through the front door before he attacked a male occupant who was sleeping in the living room, according to the Mercury News.

Authorities said the other owner, identified as another male, shot Elizalde in self-defense. The intruder died at the scene, authorities said. No one has been arrested or charged with Elizalde’s death.”

Some people just have to learn the hard way…