97-year-old veteran reunites with children he saved in WWII

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Gracie Storvika
Gracie Storvika
2 years ago

Truly they were the Greatest Generation

Brian Heinz
Brian Heinz
2 years ago

They had standards they were willing to die for and stood up to the evil. Today its about money and evil and not to many standing up any more. Seems the standards have changed from Honor your God and Country, to who’s going to pay the most for what ever the whim is at the moment evil or not just pay me.

2 years ago

I meant to comment on this earlier: isn’t this real life testament to the Hollywood version of “It’s a Wonderful Life?” Had he not existed, had he not acted as he did, these lives, and the lives of everyone around them going forward by generations, would have been altered…probably not for the better. Wonderful story!