Tuesday Funny: My new daily stretching routine

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I recently joined a new exercise class.

The pre-exercise stretching routine is superb! I have found it to be a great way to warm up to the more difficult exercises.

I am so enthused about it, I want to share an example of the routine with you.

Even a kid can do it!


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Gracie Storvika
Gracie Storvika
2 years ago

Now that is nearly unbelievable! Oh! To have the flexibility and stamina of a regimented young person! This is superb.

2 years ago

I’d have to be hospitalized after the first move! That was AMAZING!!!

2 years ago

Wow! Incredible! I would be dead!

2 years ago

Future all-around Olympic gold medalist (gymnastics)!!

2 years ago

I knew that was an Asian child…. they are more disciplined.

2 years ago

This is amazing….but….at the same time a little scary! How does a 6-yr-old do a presentation like this?

But, back to the theme–my morning “stretch” is standing up on a bad knee first thing in order to walk to the bathroom. 🙂 That’s my warm up. A vigorous exercise is the ensuing up and down stairs and then hiking myself into a mini SUV to drive to school to my first (7:30AM) class of the day by 6:30 AM….which means I am up by 5-5:30. I am SO OVER getting up at, say, 4:30 AM to do ANYTHING these days as a “warm up exercise,” esp on those days when I’ve spent until 5- or even to 7 PM at school the previous evening. Next yr. CA has decided that no one should start school before 8 AM….so, I’m going to have a little (very little) reprieve on this….but I bet I still won’t be able to do Dr. E’s morning warm up!

Brian Heinz
Brian Heinz
2 years ago

I spent 30yrs taking and teaching Okinawan Go Ju Ryu I watched her twice and a lot of her moves are based in Karate.
I would not take children younger than 14 yrs old to teach but this child has discipline that is scary, and this is a mind set they are teaching them.