Author Archives: DCG

Portland, Oregon, failed city

Homelessness runs rampant in Portland, Oregon.

Democrat-run Portland (for over four decades), Oregon is a failed city. Since defunding the police, crime is up.

Open-air drug use and fentanyl is rampant, so much so that there are open-air fentanyl markets. Measure 110, approved by voters in 2020, was suppose to be the magic cure-all by decriminalizing drugs and establishing a drug addiction treatment and recovery program (funded in part by the state’s marijuana tax revenue and state prison savings). That isn’t working as in Multnomah County, fatal opioid-related overdoses saw a fivefold increase between 2018 and 2022,

This year the mayor’s budget calls for spending over $43 million to address homelessness.  Yet between the decriminalizing of drugs, drug addiction treatment services and millions dedicated to the homeless, those afflicated with drug addiction do not seem to want the taxpayer assistance. Case in point (from The Daily Mail):

“Portland’s first sanctioned homless ‘park’ has just NINE residents despite having room for 55 a month after it opened – as shocking images show drug-addled people taking over the sidewalks”

Unused Portland homeless shelters.

Details from the article:

Portland‘s first sanctioned homeless ‘park’ is less than 20 percent full a month after opening as shocking new images show drug abuse and illegal campsites continue to plague its streets.

Oregon‘s largest city is in the midst of a devastating humanitarian crisis, with its homeless population up almost 50 percent since 2019 to more than 5,000.

The uber-woke local government is pinning its hopes of reversing the trend on a raft of costly new shelters. (Which cost $27 million for three official homeless shelters.)

But when visited earlier this month, two of its flagship sites sat largely empty, with the majority of its drug-addled homeless population preferring to remain in unsanctioned campsites across the city.”

Read the whole story here.

I don’t claim to have the best solution(s) to end homelessness and open-air drug use. How about instead of decriminalizing drug use, maybe the City should arrest individuals and as part of their punishment they be mandated to attend drug addiction treatment as an alternative to fines/jail times?

I do know that decades of democrat solutions to end homelessness and drug addiction aren’t working. I also know that democrats are famous for their dedication to spending millions of taxpayer dollars that never achieve their stated goals. There’s a saying for that:


Saturday funnies!


Los Angeles, failed city

Los Angeles is run by democrats. It therefore has the pleasure of being one of the worst cities in America. In other words, another demorat-run failed city.

The streets of Los Angeles

It’s a combination we typically see in blue cities: high crime (some data suggests that Los Angeles is more dangerous than before the Wuhan virus outbreak and lockdowns), rampant homlessness (despite spending billions of dollars), and open drug use on the city streets (in particular, fentanyl pouring across our open southern border).

LA County DA George Gascon (demorat)

Throw into the mix a Soros-funded district attorney, George Gascón. There was a second effort to recall him last year, which failed due to 27% of the signatures being invalid. (Funny how demorats care about signature validation when it affects one of their own).

The final touch? Proposition 47, which basically allows shoplifting $950 worth of merchandise with no consequences. Also, Los Angeles has a zero cash bail policy now, too. You’ve got the perfect recipe for a failed city!

And there are plenty of criminals willing to take advantage of the democrat policies that plague Los Angeles. Case in point:

Gascon speaks at the 0:48 mark: “…and we will use every tool available under law when there is an arrest made.”

Quite the qualifier there. LAPD says that last year, only about one quarter of these “smash and grab” robberies led to an arrest. Again, they are very careful with their statements. How many of these arrests actually led to a prosecution and conviction?

I sound like a broken record here but when are voters going to realize the obvious?



Seattle, failed city (part 3)

Liberals ruin everything they touch.

One of the many homeless encampments throughout Seattle.

I grew up in a suburb of Seattle, which even though has been ruled by demorats since 1969, use to be a semi-safe place to visit. As kids, we lived across the lake and would bus it to downtown Seattle to visit the Center, food fairs and even concerts.

Now, I’d never venture anywhere to downtown due to rampant crime, homelessness and open drug use on the streets. You can read more about the failures of demorat-run Seattle in my parts 1 and 2 that I’ve posted here.

Democrat Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell

The current demorat mayor, Bruce Harrell, had promised to address the city’s many issues, of course. Yet after a year and a half in office, absolutely nothing has improved in the city.

I was just in Seattle in May (for a funeral) and saw the disaster with my own eyes. But don’t just take my word for it.

Take the word of a 23-year veteran of the Seattle Police Department, Lieutenant Jessica Taylor, who says that “criminal are running this city.”

Jason Rantz from KTTH radio reports that Taylor resigned, sending the Seattle Police Chief a scathing 15-page letter. Take a look at what Taylor has to say:

“Chief Diaz, let me tell you, the state of the Seattle Police Department and this city is a disgrace,” she wrote in the letter she shared with the Jason Rantz Show on KTTH. “The toxic mix of the Seattle City Council’s absurdity, the spinelessness of the Mayor, the leniency of the prosecutor’s office, and your failed leadership has accelerated this city’s downhill slide straight to rock bottom. The problems were already brewing before you came on the scene, but since your arrival, it’s been a free fall into anarchy & chaos.”

Taylor also blames the Seattle City Council for playing politics and catering to the radicals in the region.

Read the brutal resignation letter here.

Seattle just had a primary election for Council members and, of course, all the incumbents appear to be safe and in strong positions heading into the November election. Nevermind the fact that the city they govern is a hot mess.

The cognitive dissonance in democrats is astounding. By committing even further to their beliefs, they will NEVER learn this important lesson:


Wednesday funnies: It’s still hot in the south!

Here in Oklahoma we’ve had a hot July and start to August. We had a reprieve yesterday as it only got to 93 degrees. But we’ll be back to the triple digits again today. Thank goodness for AC and having some humor about it.



Too little, too late: Oakland NAACP calls for state of emergency over soaring crime

Progressives never think through to the cosequences of their “brilliant” propositions. Any one with a brain could have told you that the Defund the Police movement which began in 2020 after the death of Saint George would have disasterous consequences. Proof: See here, here, here and here.

Now Oakland citizens are learning the hard way that actions have consequences. From The Daily Mail:

“Oakland NAACP leaders have called for a state of emergency over soaring crime in the area, as they blame the defund the police movement and the George Soros- backed district attorney for the rising violence.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People branch president Cynthia Adams called on local officials to come together with local and federal resources to tackle the mounting public safety issues in the district.

She wrote a letter alongside Bishop Bob Jackson of the Acts Full Gospel Church to ring the alarm about the shootings, robberies and murders that have become a common occurrence in the district

The NAACP letter comes as North Oakland has seen a a 22 percent increase in robberies and 18 percent increase in violent crime this year.

Murder levels abruptly spiked from the 78 seen in 2019 to 109 in 2020 – the same years calls for defunding the police, spurred by the Black Lives Matter movement, were introduced in earnest. 

Last month, Oakland cops urged residents to secure their homes – including by trimming hedges and shrubs so thieves have nowhere to hide – amid a rise in brazen burglaries while residents are inside their homes.”

Read the whole Daily Mail article here.

Soros-backed Alameda County DA Pamela Price

The Alameda County DA is Pamela Price, who was elected in January 2023. George Soros heavily funded her races through his California PAC.

Less than two months after the citizens elected Price, they’d already had regrets. Back in March prosecutors were quitting over her radical agenda. And the families of crime victims were calling for the ousting of Price following the her failed bid to slash a sentence in a triple murder case.

I suppose I can’t blame the voters for electing Price when her vision as a district attorney sounded plausible. She promised to “end gun violence,” “restore trust in our criminal justice system,” and “establish prosecutorial accountability.”

Yet if voters had done their homework, they would have seen the first red flag that was backing from George Soros. Also, several red flags on her platform such as:

  • “…support a Conviction Integrity Unity to evaluate unfair prosecutions and excessive sentencing practices with a special focus on racially-biased prosecutions.”
  • “Stop over-criminalizing our youth.”
  • “…pursing comprehensive alternatives to incarceration for those who come in contact with the criminal justice system.”

But I don’t expect the majority of democrat voters to be well informed. Between them voting (D) for decades and the intentional misinformation of the media, democrate-run cities are now facing the consequences of their actions.

As they deserve. One day, maybe, just maybe, voters will realize the cold hard truth:


When liberals’ virtue signaling collides with reality

Remember last fall when Florida Gov. DeSantis sent illegal aliens to the sanctuary state of Massachusetts and deposited them in Martha’s Vineyard? The illegal aliens lasted only 44 hours before the city got rid of them.

Professional virtue-signaling expert NYC Mayor Adams

New York City Mayor Eric Adams is also a virtue-signaling hypocrite. His state and city are sanctuary havens for illegal aliens yet when the reality of their offer sets in, they offer zero compassion.

Case in point, from NY Post: “Sobering video show migrants sleeping on cardboard outside iconic NYC hotel as shelter hits capacity.” From the article:

The group slept shoulder-to-shoulder across three full blocks while waiting to be taken into the currently full city shelter as NYPD officers monitored the situation.

Heartbreaking images showed crowd-control ropes separating the migrants from passersby, as those waiting for access to proper shelter huddled under blankets with their belongings alongside them.

Groups of migrants also have slept inside white “dollar vans” parked outside the hotel after they were turned away because of overwhelming numbers. 

“Right now, it’s essential that we get on top of the inhumane & concerning conditions immediately as we figure out how to change intake,” frustrated City Council majority leader Keith Powers (D-Manhattan) tweeted over the weekend, citing “the situation” at the Roosevelt.”

Read the whole story here.

It’s been almost a year since Mayor Adams committed (virtue signaled) to be a “sanctuary city” for illegal aliens. He obviously didn’t take that commitment seriously as he leaves illegal aliens sleeping along NYC sidewalks.

Back in March this year he knew the city was unprepared to deal with the reality of harboring illegal aliens. But he stuck to his conviction (virtue signaling) and now the “compassionate party” is treating these people as nothing more than dogs.

These people may be out on the streets yet we all know the real reason why the demorat virtue signaling for illegal immigration will continue:


Hit ’em where is hurt$: Two “detransitioners” sue doctors who mutilated them

Scars left after double mastectomy for “top surgery.”

Scars after phalloplasty surgery (construction of a penis) using skin from a forearm.

“Gender-affirming care” is anything but healthy, especially for minors who have yet to go through puberty.

Delaying puberty (through use of puberty blockers) can result in problems with one’s chromosomes that can affect normal growth processes resulting in Turner Syndrome or Klinefelter Syndrome.

A study from the UK Tavistock and Portman National Health Service Foundation Trust showed that children’s bone density and normal growth flatlined with puberty blockers as compared to their peers, and participants reported no improvement in their psychological well-being.

Also, the majority of children who take puberty blockers do not resume puberty.

The only way to stop the castration and mutilation of minors is to fight back and hit the “doctors” where is hurts: Financially. Two young women are taking that step: Prisha Mosley and Soren Aldaco.

Prisha Mosley

Prisha, who lives in Michigan, developed Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria at age 12. Her dysphoria was aggravated at age 14 when she was sexually assaulted. Reports the NY Post:

“I literally hated every aspect of who I was and what I was and what I looked like,” Prisha said. “I spent some time being a girly girl and being a tomboy and being a smart girl and being this [other] girl, but none of those different hats fit me. And so I was like, I guess I’m just not a girl.”

Prisha “socially transitioned” at 15 with the support of her parents. The online transactivists applauded her and guided her to transgender specialists. After much bullying and manipulation of her parents (“Do you want a dead daughter or a living son? Do you want to pick up your daughter’s hormones or her body from the morgue?”) she began “gender-affirming care” (testosterone treatment) at 15. At 18 she had a double mastectomy.

Fast forward three years later and Prisha realized the transition didn’t help the underlying issues. At 25, Prisha suffers vocal cord pain and severe vaginal atrophy from the testosterone treatment. She says she lost part of her nipples after they were grafted back on during her mastectomy. Because of her mastectomy she will never be able to breastfeed, and she doesn’t even know whether she is still fertile. Prisha is now suing the medical team that misguided her through this “gender-affirming” care.

Read the whole story about Prisha’s ordeal here.

Soren Aldaco (left)

Another woman who regrets her “transitioning” is Soren Aldaco, who lives in Texas. She is suing her doctors for $1 million.

Soren’s ordeal began at 17 when she began taking puberty blockers and says she was pressured into a botched double mastectomy. Soren says that the doctors and a nurse practitioner pushed her to transition. The result now is “irreversibly disfiguring and disabling” and the “professionals” ignored a host of mental health challenges she was struggling with at the time. From Fox News:

“Aldaco, who is autistic, said she was battling depression and anxiety as a teenager when she was hospitalized with a manic episode at 15. After a short meeting with a psychiatrist there, Aldaco said she was “coerced” into coming out as transgender. Two years later, Aldaco connected with Del Scott Perry, a nurse practitioner with Texas Health Physicians Group at a transgender support group. After sharing her mental health struggles and identity confusion with Perry, Aldaco said the nurse practitioner encouraged her to begin medically transitioning and wrote her prescriptions for “an outrageously large off-label dosage” of testosterone, the suit alleges.”

Read Soren’s whole story here.

The medical transitioning community has a lot to gain from continuing their practice of manipulation, castration and mutilation of minors. The cost for transitioning treatments is very, very expensive.

Hopefully one day sanity will make a return and adults will realize that physically altering (0therwise healthy) children for life is pure evil. Until that happens, the only way to stop this form of child abuse is to hit ’em where it hurts: In the wallet.


Career criminal shot & killed after hospital standoff in failed Portland, Oregon

Liberal cities and states are disintegrating before our very eyes. Portland, Oregon is an example of the consequences of elections.

In May 2020, Portland city commissioners voted to cut nearly $16 million from the police budget in response to complaints about police force and racial injustice. As a result: Portland had a 300% increase in murders from July 2020 to February 2021. In the first two months of 2021, 17 people were  murdered — a 1,600% increase from the one murder reported during the same time period in 2020.

In 2022, Portland’s homicide number was higher than the city’s 20-year average.

It doesn’t help these demorat-run cities are electing Soros-backed prosecutors who refuse to properly punish the criminals.

Case in point: A career-criminal, PoniaX Kane Calles, shot and killed a security guard at Legacy Good Samaritan Medical Center in Portland on Saturday. He was subsequently shot and killed by police in the neighboring city of Gresham. Calles had made threats to staff at the hospital in the days leading up to the shooting.

Calles (formerly Reginald Kane Jackson) had a lenghtly criminal record (which began in demorat-run California) that included:

  • Attempted second-degree assault (for stabbing a man in the face with a knife; he was placed on probation for three years)
  • Reckless driving
  • Driving with a suspended license
  •  Third-degree criminal mischief (prosecutors dropped the charge)
  • Attempted murder
  • Robbery
  • Battery
  • Disorderly conduct
  • Vandalism

Calles also had mental health issues (obviously).

Read the whole sordid story of this criminal’s background here at The Oregonian.

No amount of new gun laws would have stopped this guy. He was also ordered to undergo drug treatment and have a mental health evaluation. Obviously that didn’t happen or change his behaviors.

The only solution is to punish the criminals. Or try electing bureaucrats and politicians who care about punishing criminals and preserving law and order in their cities. Yet I’m not going to hold my breath that liberals will learn to do that in the near future. They never learn:


This works for me: Woman drags climate activist by the hair to stop her from blocking traffic