Author Archives: DCG

Old-Fashioned Tip to Scent Your House Like Christmas

I use to buy Scentsy products yet quit doing that earlier this year when the prices of everything kept going up (Build Back Better!) and decided I needed to slow down my spending.

I’m going to give this a try and see what smells I can create!


Newborn Lamb With Broken Legs Makes An Incredible Recovery

Luvs a happy ending!


Off-Duty New York Fireman Saves Woman From Burning Car

Thank goodness for that toxic masculinity!


Baby meets the Rainbow Bridge: Blessed for having 20+ years with my kitty

The day after Thanksgiving we put down our Baby kitty. He was 20 years and four months old, and had been living with kidney disease for four years. A miracle that he was still alive at this point!

I knew that the time had come to make sure he didn’t suffer. So we made the difficult call to have him euthanized. It broke my heart. And yet, I still feel so blessed to have had him in my life for such a long time.

Meet our Baby kitty:

The Baby kitty who I rescued, along with his brother Lucky (who passed at 16 1/2 years old), from another state where they and their mother were abandoned in the woods.

The Baby kitty who was a great hunter: Snakes, birds, mice, rats and squirrels. And also bunnies and possums, although we tried to pry those critters out of his paws and save them, whenever possible.

Baby was such a good hunter that he actually caught a bird one time while I was walking him on a leash!

And toward the end, the Baby kitty who just enjoyed watching the bunnies instead of chasing them.

The Baby kitty who enjoyed our warm laps, treats, and chin rubs. The Baby kitty who brought us great love and kitty warmth.

Rest in Peace my Baby kitty. God blessed us when He gave you so much time on Earth with us.

See you over the Rainbow Bridge, my buddy.

I know all of our pets will be smiling and waiting for us!


Have a blessed Thanksgiving!


A Guardian Angel: Priest unharmed after SUV flips over his car

h/t Breitbart


Amazing technology: Mind-reading brain implant allows man to “speak”

This is just incredible.

A man who was injured in a car crash 18 years ago was left unable to speak. Thanks to researchers and doctors at the University of California San Francisco, he’s now able to “speak” words because of an implant in his brain. Watch:

The patient, known only as “Pancho,” is of course thrilled with the device. Pancho was able to communicate with the doctors and told them he hates the hospital food!

Read all the details at the Daily Mail here.


Bravery: FDNY save woman hanging out of 20th floor window

Saturday morning a fire brokeout at a NYC apartment building. Christina Foti, on the 20th floor, said smoke filled her apartment so badly that she had no choice but to climb out the window.

Fortunately the men of FDNY had rope-rescue training and were able to get her down and into the apartment below her via the window. Watch this amazing rescue (Foti is blurred because her bum was exposed as her pants fell down):

Great job by these brave firemen!


Score one for the ladies: Judges uphold Miss USA pageant’s right to bar trans entrant

Anita Green banned

Appears that the Miss USA organization supports real women. Good on them.

From Daily Mail:

“Judges have upheld the right of Miss United States of America to bar a trans man-to-woman competitor, saying organizers can insist on only ‘natural-born’ females taking part in its beauty contest.

A San Francisco-based appeals court rejected the lawsuit of Anita Green, a trans activist and frequent beauty pageant contestant, who had said organizers violated her rights when they barred her from competing in 2019.

Green, from Clackamas, Oregon, sued the company in federal court in Portland under the state’s anti-discrimination laws after her application to take part in the pageant was rejected.

She has competed in several pageants, including Miss Montana USA, and Ms. World Universal. In 2019, she won the title of Miss Earth Elite Oregon.

Lawyers for the pageant said its contest was designed to celebrate and promote ‘natural-born women,’ by sending a message of ‘biological female empowerment.’

The competition has several requirements for entrants, including some based on contestants’ age, marital status and gender identity.

The 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals in a 2-1 decision ruled that the Oregon law, which prohibits discrimination based on gender identity, was trumped by the pageant’s free speech rights under the US Constitution.

The court agreed with the company that it expresses its views on womanhood by deciding who can compete.”

Read the whole story here.


Pray for our youth: Transgender doctor says “age is just a number”

In this case, a very profitable number for this doctor…

Dr. Nadia Dowshen specializes in LBGT issues associated with minors and is the medical director and co-founder of the Gender and Sexuality Development Clinic.

A video has resurfaced of her from 2020 claiming that when it comes to performing sex change surgery on minors, “age is just a number.”

She went on to suggest that a child’s maturity was more important than their exact age. Watch the video at the Daily Mail here.

The good doctor says that at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, they perform ‘top surgery’ on patients as young as 14, which involves removing or implanting breasts.

According to the Daily Mail article, when asked about whether there were age limits in place for sex change surgeries, Dr. Dowshen said: ‘It is important to remember that age is a number. But as an adolescent medicine and developmental specialist, we know that where a child is cognitively and socially is more important than that exact number of their age.’

Here’s the kicker:

“Dr. Dowshen was also asked about the potentially life-altering effects of hormone drugs given to transgender minors, which can cause infertilityShe said that many youngsters with gender dysphoria ‘are not interested in having children at all’.

Read the whole article here.

These “gender affirming” surgeries are very costly.  According to costhelperhealth:

“For patients not covered by health insurance, the typical cost of a sex reassignment surgery can range from about $15,000 for just reconstruction of the genitals to about $25,000 for operations on the genitals and chest to $50,000 or more for procedures that include operations to make facial features more masculine or feminine.”

Nice money to be made there for the clinic Dr Dowshen co-founded.

I’d like to see Dr. Dowshen go into a courtroom and tell the judge that when dealing with a minor, “age is just a number.”

These life-altering drugs and surgeries given to confused minors with gender dysphoria causes irreversible damage.

We need to pray that the current trend of mutilating minors comes to a complete stop.

We need to pray for our youth.