Author Archives: DCG

Police honor 9-year-old girl who helped fight off mom’s attacker

Quite the brave little girl!


77-year-old man with a CCL shoots and kills robber in Chicago

From MyFoxChicago:

“An elderly man with a concealed carry license shot and killed a robber in Chicago on Saturday afternoon, police said.

The 77-year-old was in a garage on East 89th near MLK in West Chesterfield around 12:30 p.m. when the robber drove up.

The robber pulled out a gun and demanded the elderly man’s stuff, police said.

Instead of handing his things over, the elderly man pulled out a gun and shot the robber in the head and chest, police said. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

Chicago Police said that the elderly man has a valid Firearms Owner Identification Card and a Concealed Carry License. The Chicago Fire Department confirmed that he is a retired firefighter.”


Update on DCG’s dad: Slow recovery yet doing good!

DCG’s dad checking out the scope on the .30-06 rifle.

It’s been about a month since I posted an update on my father so thought I’d give another update.

After recovering from the Wuhan virus, a bacterial infection and vascular surgery, dad is doing pretty good!

He’s still in a skilled nursing facility, receiving daily “complex” wound care treatment (due to vascular issue in his foot) and doing daily physical therapy to improve his mobility (which was impacted by said vascular issue).

He sounds like himself again when I call him and has gained a few pounds, so that is good because he was super skinny.

We’re taking it day-by-day right now and are happy he’s receiving such good care in the skilled nursing facility!


Thursday funnies!


Toxic masculinity: 85-year-old man fights off robbers

This occurred in 2018 Glanmire, Ireland. An 85-year-0ld great-grandfather scared off three weapon-wielding robbers from a betting parlor.

Read all the details of the attempted robbery here.

Thank God there’s still some good ol’ toxic masculinity left in men like Dennis O’Connor!


Meet Oliver, the “Wandering Old Grandpa” Golden Retriever!

This 14-year-old Golden Retriever loves to visit his neighbors. And they love his visits!

Wish I had an “Oliver” visiting me!


How cute are these Halloween lunches?

The Mirror reports that a mum in Ireland has been quite busy preparing some unique Bento Box Halloween lunches for her kids. Check them out:

Excerpts from the Mirror article:

“The mum-of-three spends half an hour each day putting together the packed lunches in bento boxes .

Vampire strawberries, cucumber skulls and bat-shaped sarnies are just some of the offerings the 34-year-old full-time mum has whipped up this month – even baking home-made pizza mummies before they head to school.

Every lovingly-prepared lunch is served alongside heartfelt and inspiring notes that act as a pep talk to her kids halfway through the day.

Ardita, from Tralee, County Kerry, Ireland, said: “It’s really satisfying to see how much my children love these lunches, especially the Halloween ones.”

Read the whole story here.

And since social media brings out the worst in people, the mum has received a number of cruel comments online, accusing her of pretending to be the ‘perfect mum’ after showing off the deliciously fun meals. She’s been ignoring the haters though, as she should. Keep up the great work!

What a creative mom!


Tuesday funny!

Yeah, maybe a little too early for this yet…I couldn’t help myself.


Don’t mess with a Marine!

This happened last week in Yuma, Arizona. A Marine vet disarmed a punk trying to rob a Chevron store. Watch (commentary by Steve Inman):

When Yuma County Sheriff’s Office asked James Kilcer, who previously served in the U.S. Marine Corps, how he was able to take control of the situation he replied, “The Marine Corps taught me not to (mess) around.”

H/t truckjunkie


Why we love “Man’s Best Friend”