Happy Friday Dance!

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Long week…glad it’s Friday!


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3 years ago

I remember when it used to take forever to get to Friday which was when the good part started. Now every day is like waiting in the Dentist’s office. I wish stores had a Karen-Free Day so I could enjoy shopping again.

Brian Heinz
Brian Heinz
3 years ago
Reply to  entagor

In all my 67 yrs Ive never seen so many karen’s they must have built a plant near us and are just churning then out by the dozens. What ever happened to have a good day?

Brian Heinz
Brian Heinz
3 years ago
Reply to  Brian Heinz

We inherited a small toy poodle from my father in law after he died and she does the same thing when it comes to supper time and does it in circles.

Last edited 3 years ago by Brian Heinz
3 years ago
Reply to  entagor

Love your analogies….and I feel your pain. I just do NOT shop anymore, either. Amazon and USPS are my new gods. Whatever I can not get from them, I can buy from a local semi-outdoor farm store within a mile of my home—eggs, milk, cheeses, bread, butter….even booze….AND, I can buy a baggy of food and feed the animals at their “petting zoo.” I’m living good.

Gracie Storvika
Gracie Storvika
3 years ago
Reply to  Calgirl

Calgirl . . . I know what you mean about “Amazon and USPS” being your new best friends. Since I am here in Portland (and if you have kept up on the rioting, and the fact that our “murder rate has gone up 83%) I no longer have the heart to go out and shop and malls or stores. You just do not have any assurance that you will return home in one piece.

I have always so much enjoyed your submissions to this site and the old FOTM. I used to post under the name “Auntie Lulu” but decided to change my online name when I came over to Body and Soul.

I do worry about you, since California seems to be also be going down the drain–just like Oregon.

3 years ago

Auntie LuLu! I wondered where you’d gone! Blessings! We’ve followed the Portland debacle &, as I’ve been there several times w/a child in a nationally competitive sport, I just could NOT imagine it falling into the state it became this past summer. It was such a welcoming, lovely city (Having traveled all over w/this sport, IMO, Anchorage & Portland were 2 of the best cities to welcome our athletes/parents). If you wanted to leave, if you had a home to sell, who would buy it & choose to move there in the midst of it all? How are any businesses even open anymore? We’re not so bad here (yet) where I live. It’s long-been an affordable area for families & that’s who came, & who is still coming, so we are conservative, less politically “punishing” toward ea other (at least in public). We do, however, suffer fr empty shelves, $5-$6 per gallon gas, shortages of everything, general decay of public services (like not enough garbage service anymore….so collection is hit or miss due to few employees ). I think this is a little due to our out-of-the way locale. My school is back in person, but we have NO SUBS & so when we get COVID or anything else, kids are just “baby-sat” by campus security or teachers on their “preps” who have to keep preparing for their own classes …..So, while I’ve been decently-OK thru’ all this, we’re still affected, as most are, sadly. All that said—we want out of CA ASAP…w/taxes (we paid over 40% of our earnings to state, federal, local…..why am I even working?) and the specter of Newsom calling for universal health care for everyone, citizen or not….which could raise ea. household state tax by $12,000 MORE per year. Gonna “run away” to some last refuge of values that seem a little more of a Democratic Republic instead of Socialist/Marxist state 🙁 If anyone is paying attention….ie..the U-Haul rentals….people like me are ditching CA, NY, NJ, ILL, MD, etc…for more tax-sane states—which are, all Red!)

Gracie Storvika
Gracie Storvika
3 years ago

What a treat to see this engaging little dog. Gosh! It makes me want to run out and get a puppy! Thanks for sharing this with us.

3 years ago

That was SO CUTE!