Tag Archives: cats and toads

What happens when your cat bites/eats a toad?

Here in Oklahoma we have a lot of Woodhouse toads. They come around on our front porch at night to feast on the bugs and stick around on the front porch during the day.

None of my cats ever chase these toads and I always wondered why. That question was answered today when a co-worker told me about the wonderful self-defense mechanisms God gave frogs and toads!

The co-worker told me that cats and dogs stay away from these creatures because they stink. And they are toxic to our pets. From HowStuffWorks:

“Nature provides all life with some means of protection. With certain toads it is the saliva, which is thought to contain a potent toxin. The poison contained in a toad’s saliva is so strong that once it comes in contact with the mouth or eyes of the cat, it causes severe symptoms within minutes.

Toad poisoning affects the heart and nervous system to such a degree that death can occur within 30 minutes if the cat is not treated. Some warning signs that indicate your cat has experienced toad poisoning include excessive drooling, a shaking head, trembling and shaking body, lack of coordination, difficulty breathing, convulsions, and coma. Signs may develop around the mouth or eyes of the cat immediately after contact with the toad.”

My co-worker told me that most cats and dogs “foam at the mouth” and have drooling and vomiting. The cure for a cat that has been afllicated by biting/eating a toad or frog is to flush their eyes/mouth with water. If it was me, I’d be getting kitty to the vet ASAP.

Here’s what it looks like when a cat eats a frog:

So glad I learned about this today. And very happy that my cats have the good sense to stay away from the toads!