Author Archives: DrE

Witches complain they couldn’t curse Trump

Witches have been casting cursing spells on President Donald Trump since his first presidential election and term-of-office.

These evil women are doing it again.

But they discovered their curses are ineffective.

Here’s a video on witches on the social media Reddit complaining they haven’t been able to curse Trump.

I believe the curses are thwarted because millions of Americans have been praying for Trump. I do that every day.

Studies found that intercessory prayer really works:

  1. In 1988 and 1999, randomized controlled trials of remote intercessory prayer (praying for persons unknown) showed a beneficial effect in patients in intensive coronary care units (Southern Medical Journal, July 1988,81(7):826-9; Archives of  Internal Medicine, Oct. 25, 1999; 159(19):2273-8).
  2. In 2000, a systematic review of randomized, placebo controlled trials of distant healing found that 57% of the randomized, placebo controlled trials of distant healing showed a positive treatment effect (Annals of Internal Medicine, June 6, 2000; 32(11):903-10).
  3. In 2001, a double-blind study of 3393 adults hospitalized with a bloodstream infection found that remote intercessory prayer is associated with a shorter hospital stay and shorter duration of fever in those patients even when the intervention is performed 4-10 years after the infection ( Dec. 22, 2001; 323(7327): 1450–1451).

If you’ve been praying for Trump, please continue. And if you haven’t, please do.

Let’s surround President Trump with a powerful wall of prayers.

See also “Sunday Devotional: The Power of Prayer“.


Celebrities like Oprah were paid $millions to endorse Kamala

Celebrities like Oprah and Beyoncé were paid $ millions to endorse Kamala Harris.

In billionaire Oprah’s case, it was $1 million. Beyoncé, whose net worth is estimated to be $800 million, got $10 million.

All of which not only put the Harris campaign, which had a war chest of $1 billion, millions more than the Trump campaign, into a $20 million debt, it also should raise questions as to political endorsements by so-called celebrities. If they really believe in their candidate, why would these already super-wealthy celebrities need to be paid millions of dollars to endorse?

Ordinary Democrat donors should feel really, really stupid because this is where their campaign contributions went to.

The whole concept of political endorsement is nonsensical:

  1. Let’s say a group of garbage collectors declared they endorse Harris. We would laugh out loud. But for some strange reason, we are supposed to pay attention to political endorsements by actors, singers and other “entertainers”. How are they different from trash collectors? Neither group has political training, expertise, experience, or special knowledge.
  2. Nor are political endorsements BY ANY OTHER GROUP or individuals any different. Politics is not nuclear physics: there is no special training or trove of knowledge involved. Voting in an election requires one thing from us — our informed judgment, which requires us to obtain information on the candidates (their beliefs, policy positions, and values) and the issues. With that information, we can then vote for the candidates and issues that best accord to our values, interests, and concerns. That is something we each can do, unless we are cognitively impaired. Why, then, would we need other people to tell us how we should vote? It makes no sense!!!


The Biter-In-Chief Caption Contest

This is our world-famous 284th Caption Contest!

Here’s the pic:

About the pic: On October 30, 2024, during a Halloween celebration at the White House, Joe Biden bizarrely bit the foot of one baby after another (source: New York Post),

You know the drill:

  • Enter the contest by submitting your caption as a comment on this thread (scroll down until you see the “LEAVE A REPLY” box).
  • Body and Soul‘s writers will vote for the winner.
  • Any captions proffered by our writers, no matter how brilliant (ha ha), will not be considered. :(

This contest will be closed at the end of Tuesday, Nov. 26, 2024.

To get the contest going, here’s my caption:

In his senile dementia, Biden thought adrenochrome came from babies’ feet.

For the winner of our last Caption Contest, go here.


Message to Lancôme re. Julia Roberts

Already irritated by s0-called Hollywood celebrities’ shilling for Kamala Harris in the 2024 election, my annoyance was exacerbated when after the election, an ad keeps popping up on the Peacock streaming service — of actress Julia Roberts merching Lancôme’s new perfrume.

See “Clooney and Roberts help Biden raise $30 million-plus at a star-studded Hollywood gala“.

So I went on Lancôme’s website, click on “Customer Service” and sent them this message:

I will never ever purchase Lancôme’s perfume or any of your merchandise because you chose Julia Roberts to be your public face and spokesperson. Roberts has neither the expertise nor the knowledge to lecture to us on politics or tell us for whom we should vote in the 2024 election. In so doing, she presumes that we are ignorant, do not know our own minds and values, and need her to tell us what to do. That is the height of arrogance and narcissism.


MAGA America to Hollyweirdos: F-off!

See also DCG’s “Gonna keep your promise? Celebs who said they’d leave the US if Trump elected


Winners and losers of the 2024 election

Ben Domenech writes in The Spectator, Nov. 6, 2024:

Every election has winners and losers that extend beyond the politicians themselves, but in this particularly unique situation, the sheer number of outside individuals, movements and institutions who can be categorized as winning or losing based on last night’s sweeping result for Donald Trump and Republicans is astounding.

Winner: the bro army and its defenders. The decision to lean so hard into appealing to the American manosphere, with its testosterone-fueled UFC events and a litany of podcasts hosted by comedians with mass appeal to young men, ran the risk of turning off female voters or seeming to only prioritize the frat vote. But it proved absolutely correct — and not just the Joe Rogan interview, though that was a key step in the journey. Recognizing that young men of all ethnicities were gettable on a bigger scale than Republicans had reached in the past was a feat of genius on the part of the Trump campaign, and many politicians will learn from the strategy and try to emulate it. As other elements of communication have broken down, the world of bro podcasts is now a replacement for engaged talk radio, and a direct avenue for appealing to a disaffected portion of the electorate that appreciates respect.

Loser: the “we have nothing to offer but abortions, abortions, abortions” portion of the left. Fueled in part by their overperformance on the issue in 2022, there were many on the left who seemed only interested in hammering away on their demands for unlimited deaths for unborn infants, ignoring all other subjects along the way. The single issue abortion voter exists on both sides, but they’re only part of the coalition, and the failure of multiple ballot initiatives on the subject shows that it has lost some of its salience in the years since the shock of Dobbs. What’s more, the unwillingness on the Kamala campaign’s part to sound any moderate notes was a warning sign for religious believers. Harris plummeted in support among Catholics in part because of her insistence that Catholic hospitals, too, would be forced to perform abortions and her failure to have any note of compromise even for late-term abortions. For something that was supposed to be central to her appeal, abortion may well have cost her more than it benefited her in every swing state.

Winner: Silicon Valley. The technology kings — Elon Musk chief among them, but others as well — come out looking prescient in their treatment of the former president’s campaign. Mark Zuckerberg boosted Trump after his assassination survival, the tech investor class was emphatically on his side and Jeff Bezos’s refusal to let the Washington Post endorse in the final weeks shows they understood the moment better than others, particularly better than…

Loser: Hollywood. Celebrities totally misjudged the power of their popularity and appeal to voters. The idea that Taylor Swift would move votes in some significant way seems laughable in retrospect, as do all the other many celeb-driven attempts to impact the election for Kamala. They may like your music and stream your movies, but that doesn’t mean anyone thinks you’re in touch with who they are. And late night hosts fell into the same category — the pompous attitudes of Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel, the lectures of John Oliver and blatant spin of Saturday Night Live had no truck with the American people, who tuned them out for their comedic betters. The people who think they direct the culture, if they ever did, just don’t anymore.

Winner: Republicans who made peace with Trump, even uneven and contentious peace. Brian Kemp, Mitch McConnell, Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley and yes, the king of them all, J.D. Vance all made peace with Trump after he had seemingly made himself too toxic four years ago to have a political future, and they reaped the benefit — especially Vance, who was critical of Trump even after his 2016 election and managed to go from near-NeverTrumper to the man’s vice president. Many of them had to swallow their pride to do this, but it is the only way any of them were going to find a path forward in a party coalition that is unified around Trump and his agenda for the foreseeable future. Pour one out for Mike Pence.

Loser: Liz Cheney and the neocon movement. Distinct from the Lincoln Project anti-Trump grifters, the neoconservatives — Cheney chief among them — tried to find a path toward influencing Trump in his first term, but failed to achieve the kind of power they wanted and could see Trump trending away from them steadily, firing John Bolton and ditching the generals they favored to keep him in line and away from steps like withdrawing from Afghanistan. The path forward closed for them, so Cheney, Adam Kinzinger and others joined with Democrats to instead try and exact revenge on Trump staffers through the January 6 hearings and multiple acts of lawfare, seeking ruin for their political enemies. But their decision to cross over fully into the Democrats’ coalition now leaves them holding the blame for their failure and inability to bring along Haley voters or others (under the foolhardy belief they had any coattails electorally). The lie that this was just about protecting the nation from Trump instead of score-settling was shown in Cheney and Kinzinger endorsing Democrat Colin Allred in Texas against Ted Cruz — a backing that worked out so well, Cruz beat Allred by nearly ten points.

Winner: Mark Halperin, Substack and guerrilla media generally. This was the election where outside media sources really did seem to take over the conversation regularly, driving alternate narratives about the most important stories of the day. Halperin was ahead of the curve on Joe Biden’s mental decline, Substackers repeatedly revealed embarrassing aspects of the Biden-Harris administration, and solo reporters and small entities did reporting on the economy, crime and the border that could take flight just as quickly as a legacy media piece — including exposing many aspects of the government-digital censorship approach that shocked many people with its blatant disrespect of the first amendment.

Loser: CBS News. You could put this at the feet of a number of different entities, but consider just how many botches CBS had in the closing months of the campaign — the 60 Minutes interview edit, the botched debate and shutting off of JD Vance’s mic, the hair-on-fire coverage from Norah O’Donnell and Margaret Brennan, and of course the embarrassing fallout from the morning show interview with Ta-Nehisi Coates were all marks of a network that exposed itself as far more partisan than once thought in the course of 2024. There are a great many media losers this cycle, but CBS could be the biggest one in terms of going from a relatively inoffensive network for Republican viewers to one that is anathema.

Loser: Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. The bet they made pulling the ripcord on Joe Biden looks appallingly bad in retrospect, and revisionist history will suggest in the minds of Americans that he just wasn’t as bad as he really was in the end. Getting rid of him looks like a terrible miscalculation that, even if it couldn’t have won them the White House again, could’ve minimized the damage and perhaps kept key Senate seats such as Pennsylvania and Ohio. But the choice was made, and now it’s a legacy-defining decision for both of them.

Winner: Joe Biden. Still the only man to beat Donald Trump. Get him an extra tapioca to celebrate today with a smile.


We have a winner!

Sorry for the lateness.


Our writers dutifully voted for their #1 and #2 captions. Each #1 vote is worth 4 points; each #2 vote us worth 2 points.

And the winner, with three #1 votes, totaling 12 points, is:


Here is his caption:

This will teach that bitch Kamala not to mess with me.

Another TrueDan caption is in 2nd place, with one #1 vote:

Kick me out of the race will they. This will teach them the value of loyalty.

Brian Heinz, CalGirl, Captain America, and Goldbug are in 3rd place, each with one #2 vote and 2 points:

Brian Heinz: “Where is Corn Pop I want to shake his hand……does he have jiffy pop too…..if so we can make her vanish…..”

CalGirl: “I’m in full dementia now and the Demorat left doesn’t even care about stopping me anymore for anything now that they’ve executed a full coup against my primary electorate. Hell Yes I’m Going to Wear MAGA Hat!!!!!”

Captain America: “Yeah, in case Vance doesn’t work out. And F’ You kamala!”

Goldbug: “For the first time in my life, I am proud of myself. Love this cap! Go MAGA!”


Congratulations, TrueDan!

For all the caption submissions, go here.

Be here tomorrow for our next Caption Contest!


Please pray for Brian Heinz

Our brother-in-Christ, Brian Heinz, a longtime member of this blog and its predecessor (FOTM), was diagnosed with Stage 3 lung cancer. He desperately needs our prayers.

This is what he wrote in a comment:

I could use prayer if anyone can supply found out I have lung cancer Stage 3 C and two lymphomas from it as well doing chemo and radiation together to see if they can stop it. But any prayers would be appreciated thank you in advance.

This is my favorite prayer, a plea to our Lord, Jesus the Christ, for His mercy:

Eternal God, in whom mercy is endless and the treasury of compassion inexhaustible, look kindly upon us and increase Your mercy in us. That in difficult moments, we might not despair, nor become despondent, but with great confidence, submit ourselves to Your holy will, which is love and mercy itself.

May Our Lord have mercy on our brother, Brian Heinz, and may He comfort Brian in his time of affliction, surround him with Your light, and heal him of his cancer and restore him to full health. Amen.

Please remember Brian in your daily prayers, and envelope him with your love.


We have a winner!


Our writers dutifully voted for their #1 and #2 captions. Each #1 vote is worth 4 points; each #2 vote us worth 2 points.

And the winner, with four #1 votes, totaling a whopping 16 points, is:

Brian Heinz!

Here is his caption:

From the river to the sea our ugly nakedness is what you see
From the river to the sea we show just how stupid we can be
From the river to the sea marching morons that could be me
From the river to the sea where the hell is this place we’re to be
Oh from the gallows on the way from the river to the sea……..

GregB is in 2nd place, with one #1 vote and two #2 votes, totaling 8 points:

Now that’s what I call, two boobs for Gaza (in more ways than one.)

Goldbug is in 3rd place, with one #1 vote and 4 points:

We learned this in public school. Aren’t you taxpayers proud of us?


Congratulations, Brian Heinz!

For all the caption submissions, go here.

Click here for our next Caption Contest!


The Biden-for-Trump Caption Contest

This is our world-famous 283rd Caption Contest!

Here’s the pic:

About the pic: On September 11, 2024, Joe Biden donned a MAGA hat when asked by a Trump supporter if he would wear one.

You know the drill:

  • Enter the contest by submitting your caption as a comment on this thread (scroll down until you see the “LEAVE A REPLY” box).
  • Body and Soul‘s writers will vote for the winner.
  • Any captions proffered by our writers, no matter how brilliant (ha ha), will not be considered. :(

This contest will be closed at the end of Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024.

To get the contest going, here’s my caption:

“This is what Biden really thinks of Kamala.”

To the Trump-for-POTUS campaign: You really should plaster your ads and mailers with this image.
