Author Archives: DCG

Get out of California: Newsom’s budget will defund fighting crime

We all know about the crime in California. Get ready for things to get worse as it’s no doubt going to happen. From the Daily Mail:

California’s Dem. Gov Gavin Newsom unveils new plans to defund the police in crime-ridden state after massive budget deficit

In 2022 Newsom bragged of having a $97.5 billion surplus. Fast forward two years later and the state now faces a $45 billion deficit. Great job, democrats.

From the article:

California governor Gavin Newsom‘s proposed new budget would slash funding for the police as the state struggles with a massive deficit of at least $45 billion.

Last month the Democrat unveiled his budget for the next fiscal year, admitting that ‘difficult decisions’ are needed to address the state’s deficit – including a 1.6 percent reduction in the state’s Department of Justice’s overall funding.

The proposed budget includes a $97 million cut to trial court operations, $10 million to the Department of Justice’s Division of Law Enforcement and over $80 million to the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, as reported by Fox News. 

Newsom’s plan comes as major national stores and local businesses in California say they continue to face rampant theft. Videos of large-scale thefts, in which groups of individuals brazenly rush into stores and take goods in plain sight, have often gone viral.

Crime data shows the San Francisco Bay Area and Los Angeles saw a steady increase in shoplifting between 2021 and 2022. Across the state, shoplifting rates rose during the same time period but were still lower than the pre-pandemic levels in 2019, while commercial burglaries and robberies have become more prevalent in urban counties.

Meanwhile homelessness jumped 6 percent to more than 180,000 people in California last year, federal data show. And since 2013, the numbers have exploded by 53 percent with the state accounting for a third of America’s entire homeless population.

The state’s criminal justice record which saw the number of violent crimes jump by 27 percent between 2013 and 2022, and pickpocketing more than double.

Read the whole story here.

Voters in California about to learn the hard way:


Obese activist now making more demands on businesses

Progressives today have abandoned all sense of personal responsibility in favor of victimhood. Case in point: Plus-size activist Jae Bae.

Bossy fat activist Jae Bae

Not content to demand that airlines provide extra free seats for obese fliers, she’s now demanding that Uber and Lyft ride-share service companies provide seat belt extenders for plus-size passengers. From the Daily Mail:

“Every time I use a ride share, I’m forced to go without a seatbelt because no belt extenders are available. This is a common issue for many plus-size individuals,’ she wrote in the caption of the video.

Chaney wrote that she always brings a universal seatbelt extender with her on rides, but they often don’t work despite being advertised as ‘universal.’

She added that companies such as Uber and Lyft should reimburse drivers for the cost of seatbelt extenders, which go for as low as $12 on Amazon.

‘If each driver carried at least one seatbelt extender specifically fitted for their vehicle, this problem could be eliminated. Safety for all sizes SHOULD NOT be optional,’ she concluded.”

Here’s my favorite part of the story: “She continued: ‘This isn’t just inconvenient—it’s unsafe. It should be mandatory for ride shares to provide at least one seatbelt extender per vehicle.”

Read the whole story here.

You know what’s unsafe, Jae Bae? Your obesity.

Maybe it should be mandatory that Jae Bae take a little personal responsibility for her own actions.


Hey criminals: Head to Boston for fun!

Mayor Michelle Wu, welcoming to criminals.

Do your hobbies include shoplifting, larceny, disorderly conduct, receiving stolen property, driving with a suspended license, and breaking and entering? Then head to Boston, my friend, as Mayor Michelle Wu has declared that those activities should not be prosecuted!

From NY Post:

Boston Mayor Michelle Wu advocated a soft-on-crime agenda by pushing to abolish the gang registry and arguing that criminal behavior – such as theft – should not be prosecuted. 

Prior to being elected mayor, Wu filled out the “2021 Boston Mayoral Candidate Questionnaire” from Progressive Massachusetts, a 501c4 nonprofit organization that tracks and ranks how progressive elected officials are.

According to its website, the group “intends to transform Massachusetts into a bold laboratory for progressive state initiatives.”

In the document, Wu outlined her most progressive commitments, including her support for noncitizens voting in Boston’s local elections. 

The mayor was asked, “Do you support shuttering the Boston Police gang database?”

She answered, “Yes.”

Then, Wu was asked whether she supported a do-not-prosecute list enacted by the former Suffolk County district attorney, Rachael Rollins.  DA Rollins enacted the policy memo identifying more than a dozen charges she said should be declined for prosecution.

Those crimes included shoplifting, larceny, disorderly conduct, receiving stolen property, driving with a suspended license, breaking and entering with property damage, wanton and malicious destruction of property, threats, minor in possession of alcohol, marijuana possession, possession with intent to distribute, non-marijuana drug possession. 

The DA was later brought into the Biden administration, before resigning after an ethics probe found that Rollins committed “egregious” ethical violations and “abuse of power.”  

“Do you support the Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office’s do-not-prosecute list and expanded approach to dealing with such low-level offenses? YES/ NO?” Progressive Mass asked.  “Yes,” Wu responded. 

Wu also promised to advocate for reallocating some of the police’s budget towards other city priorities as mayor. The mayor said she believes law enforcement should be “demilitariz[ed].” 

Wu said police should not have the ability to use tear gas, rubber bullets, and attack dogs.

Read the whole story here.

Boston, y’all about to find out the hard way:


Clueless Hollyweird still not getting my money

Hollywood has been tanking at the box office for the last couple years. Between the “wokeness” of their films and the out-of-touch stars, it’s not a surprise that many Americans have turned their back on their products.

I recently saw the trailer for the new movie, Twisters – a sequel to the 1996 film Twister. It looked good and thought we might go see it even though we haven’t been to a movie theater in years. Take a look:

Then I did a little digging into the movie because I didn’t want to waste my money on any wokeness. And, of course, I found some. From an interview with the screenplay writer:

“Another notable change to the movie from its predecessor is the way it will incorporate the theme of climate change into the narrative. Weintraub asked about the impact that thirty years of global warming would have on the size and scale of the storms that would be seen on-screen, and Smith admitted that it would be a key factor in the plot of the film. “That’s one of the things that we kind of tapped, and it’s true,” he confirmed. “I talked to so many storm experts, tornado experts, storm chasers, and rode around with some. Even the tornado season itself, because of climate change, what used to be tornado alley going through a certain stretch. It now extends so further east, and it’s moving across, and the dates are wider, and the numbers are higher, and the storms themselves are more violent. So we did use elements of that just to shine a light on it, as well, the causes and effects of climate change.”

Can’t I just see a movie without having some political hoax shoved down my throat? Apparently not. Another Hollyweird movie I will not be seeing.

Then there are the Hollyweird stars who are so out of touch with reality…

Actress Cate Blanchett was at Cannes Film Festival promoting a new movie, Rumours, which sounds like a complete dud. The premise: “World leaders meet at the G7 but get lost in the woods whilst trying to compose a joint statement on an unspecified global crisis. Beset by thick fog and menaced by undead bog bodies and a giant brain, they navigate the tortured passions between them.”

Hard pass on that movie, too, especially after hearing this:

While speaking of her experience with refugee filmmakers, Cate Blanchett said the following: “I’m white, I’m privileged, I’m middle class and I think one can be accused of having a bit of a white savior complex.”

“Middle class” actress Cate Blanchett

Speak for yourself, honey. FYI: Cate Blanchett is worth $95 million.

Hollyweird ruins everything they touch.


“You didn’t do anything wrong. You’re just too big for the kitchen.”

Well, this isn’t something you see very often!

Looks like Albert is fitting in quite well with the goats!

See more posts of Albert on Rancho Grande’s Instagram here.


Scooby is quite the character!

What a funny guy!


Embrace the groundhogs!

Chunk and his family are so cute!


Denver democrats prioritize illegal aliens over citizens’ safety

There’s a valid reason why many say “liberalism is a mental disorder.”

For over fifty years Denver residents have elected a democrat mayor. In 2023 the residents continued that tradition by electing Mike Johnston.

Mayor Mike Johnston: Y’all got suckered!

One of Johnston’s stated goals when he was running for mayor? He planned to spend $20 million to hire an additional 200 first responders to address violent and property crime.

Fast forward less than a year after he assumed office and this is the reality (via Daily Mail):

Denver city council approves defund the police cuts – the largest ever in city’s budget – to pay for migrant crisis


“Denver City Council’s Finance and Governance Committee has approved plans to defund the police to pay for the migrant crisis that is costing the democrat-led city about $89.9 million

The finance committee determined that $41 million in cuts from multiple city departments is needed to house migrants on Tuesday, reported KDVR

The police department is expected to experience $8.4 million budget cuts, the sheriff’s office could see a $3.8 million cut and the fire department is expected to cut $2.4 million. 

The sanctuary city’s progressive Mayor Mike Johnston unveiled the budget proposal last week, allocating $89.9 million to assist incoming undocumented migrants, whom he refers to as ‘newcomers.’

The amount will be drawn from approximately $45 million that’s used for public programs and services, the rest is coming from city wide budget cuts.

‘After more than a year of facing this crisis together, Denver finally has a sustainable plan for treating our newcomers with dignity while avoiding the worst cuts to city services,’ Johnston said at the press conference discussing ‘Newcomer Operations and 2024 Budget.’

‘So many times we were told that we couldn’t be compassionate while still being fiscally responsible. Today is proof that our hardest challenges are still solvable, and that together we are the ones who will solve them.’

The proposed budget cuts will now go to the full city council for a vote on April 22, and if passed could go into effect by May 10.

Denver plans to spend the $89.9 million on various migrant assistance programs in 2024, including $3 million to ‘Program Administration,’ $51.7 million to ‘Shelter and Housing,’ $9.7 million to ‘Supportive Services,’ $9.5 million to ‘One Time Capital Costs’ and $10 million to ‘Contingency.’

Kinda crazy how much of an insult this is to Colorado’s residents. You’ve got money for migrants but meanwhile homeless people have ruined downtown and every piece of infrastructure needs attention,’ said Spencer Davis on Facebook.

‘What about our local homeless, veterans that really need help,’ said Michele Santi.

‘Put that 89 million into the schools instead,’ said Quin Williams. “

Read the whole story here.

Y’all gotta learn the hard way:


Entitlement: Man complains about TJ Maxx $12/hour pay that he applied for

Under Bidenomics, many people have developed a sense of entitlement when it comes to working. Case in point, from the NY Post:

TJ Maxx applicant in disbelief after learning of $12 minimum wage: ‘Not taking that f–king job’

The details:

“A furious job applicant was in disbelief after he learned during an interview he would be paid $12 an hour for a T.J. Maxx position.

The man, whose full name was not disclosed but went by @sobeatmyass, took to social media in front of 362,000 viewers saying he was “not taking that f—king job,” on TikTok.

“Why the f–k did I have a job interview at T.J. Maxx the other day, and then everything went well, but in the end he [employer] told me that they pay $12 an hour and get paid every week,” the applicant, who appears to be from Pennsylvania says.

“In my head I’m like yeah, I’m not taking that f—king job because like what the f—k. That’s why their clothes are so cheap because [they’re] not paying those people,” he continued in his rant.

“Im truly baffled. I don’t know why I wasn’t able to tell this man ‘no’ on the phone just now, knowing I didn’t want to do this job. Now, I’m probably not just going to show up because I don’t even know what to do,” @sobeatmyass said in confusion.
“Cause $12 an hour, I couldn’t even wipe my a– with $12 an hour.”At the end of his tirade, the stressed out now-employee asked viewers to let him know exactly what he should do.
According to the US Department of Labor, starting minimum wage at T.J. Maxx for Pennsylvania locations amounts to $7.25 an hour.”

Read the whole story here.

The sense of entitlement with today’s generation is ridiculous (along with their ability to verbally communicate without profanity).

Newsflash: If you don’t want the job at the pay they offer, you are free to keep on looking.  But in the end, it appears he did accept the job. TJ Maxx will be lucky if the guy lasts a week.


Dog missing from California found 2,000 miles away in Detroit

Luvs a happy ending!

h/t Breitbart