Author Archives: DCG

An engineering feat: The 1915 Çanakkale Bridge

On March 18 the 1915 Canakkale Bridge opened in Turkey. The bridge is the world’s longest suspension bridge (6,637 feet) and was constructed in five years.

According to the Daily Mail, the bridge connects the European and Asian shores of the Dardanelles Strait – a key waterway – from Gelibolu on the European side of Turkey’s northwestern province of Canakkale, with the town of Lapseki on the Asian side.

The bridge allows travellers to cross the Dardanelles – which connects the Aegean Sea with the Sea of Marmara – in just six minutes compared to the previous 90 minutes by ferry, a journey that including waiting times could extend to five hours.

Read more about the bridge at the Daily Mail here or watch the video below.


Deer Brings Her Babies To Meet Her Dog Best Friend Every Spring!

What an amazing friendship!


Beautiful photos from 2022 Digital Photography Awards

The 2022 Mobile Photography Awards (MPA) recently announced the winners who had taken pictures on mobiles and tablets. Some pretty incredible photos!

The Lichtenstein Castle in Germany.

The Sonoran Desert in Arizona.

Photograph titled “Fog and Sunbeams.”

A winter shot of Niagra Falls.

Aerial shot of Kimberly Coast in western Australia.

See all the winning photographs here.


Hairless Dog Found By Gas Station Becomes Giant Fluffy Teddy Bear

Luvs a happy ending!



Bloomberg: Eat lentils and let your pets die of cancer!

From Daily Mail:

“Bloomberg raised eyebrows with an op-ed telling Americans earning less than $300,000 to eat less meat and cut back on chemotherapy for pets to beat spiraling inflation.  

The business news outlet’s tweet that promoted the story also pointed out, ‘nobody said this would be fun,’ with scholar Teresa Ghilarducci’s article offering some very dark advice.  

In the widely-mocked piece, headlined ‘Inflation Stings Most If You Earn Less Than $300k,’ Ghilarducci, a NYC-based labor and retirement expert, suggests switching to vegetables as a way of avoiding inflated meat prices. 

‘Though your palate may not be used to it, tasty meat substitutes include vegetables (where prices are up a little over 4%, or lentils and beans, which are up about 9%),’ she writes. ‘Plan to cut out the middle creature and consume plants directly. It’s a more efficient, healthier and cheaper way to get calories.’

And for new pet owners, Ghilarducci advises ‘to rethink those costly pet medical needs’ by cutting back on cancer treatments for much loved furry-friends

‘It may sound harsh,’ she lectured. ‘But researchers actually don’t recommend pet chemotherapy — which can cost up to $10,000 — for ethical reasons.’

Ghilarducci also tells readers to reconsider public transportation to avoid gas prices, pointing out that public transportation prices are only up 8% compared to 38% for gas.”

This list of how you can lower your standard of living goes on here.

How about switching to policies that avoid America becoming the next Venezuela?


Another Wheel of Fortune Fail…

This one is even worse than the previous Wheel of Fortune fail I posted last week.



Tuesday funnies!


Wild Fox Comes To Hear Guy Play Banjo Every Day



WWII vet becomes children’s book author at age 99

Good for him!

You can read the whole story about Sam Baker here.


Stadium Sings ‘Star-Spangled Banner’ After Singer’s Mic Fails

This will bring a smile to your Monday morning! From Breitbart:

“A stadium full of fans broke out in a stirring rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner as the Charlotte Football Club kicked off its home opener on Saturday.

Ahead of the CFC’s game against the LA Galaxy, nearly 75,000 fans joined in singing the national anthem when the featured singer’s mic cut out at Bank of America Stadium.”

Read BB’s whole story here and watch below:

Patriotism alive and well in the USA!