Author Archives: DrE

We have a winner!


Our writers dutifully voted for their #1 and #2 captions. Each #1 vote is worth 4 points; each #2 vote us worth 2 points.

And the winner, with one #1 and three #2 votes, totaling 10 points, is:


Here is his caption:

Is Prince Andrew related to touchy-feely-sniffy Joey Biden?

John Pizzo is in 2nd place, with two #1 votes and 8 points:

Andrew: “please allow me to assist your royal heinie-ness….”

Gracie Storvika, née Auntie Lulu, is in 3rd place, with one #1 vote and 4 points:

Has “Randy Andy” slipped into dementia–evidently he is not able to exercise even a modicum of Impulse Control . . . . not even when it concerns his own daughter.

GregB is in 4th place, with one #2 vote and 2 points:

Summa Cum Laude graduate (no pun intended) of Epstein’s Pedo Island University demonstrates here that he hasn’t lost the “touch” that he learned there.


Congratulations, Goldbug!

For all the other caption submissions, go here.

Note: Kudos to everyone who submitted a caption despite my lamentable choice of this depressing video for a Caption Contest.

Be here later today for our next most exciting Caption Contest!


Friday animal funnies!


Biden, Senile-in-Chief, is deteriorating before our eyes

Joe Biden wanders off at 2024 G7 Summit

That Democrats, including Hollyweirdos like George Clooney, Julia Roberts, and Barbra Streisand who raised $28 million to reelect Biden in a recent fundraiser, still support and fund this obviously senile man, goes to show that Democrats will vote for the Devil himself rather than for a Republican.


How to test if you have CKM syndrome

CKM: cardiovascular-kidney-metabolic syndrome

From AARP, June 13, 2024:

The American Heart Association says 1 in 3 U.S. adults have three or more risk factors for CKM syndrome, and it appears most adults are affected to some degree. In fact, a recent study published in the journal JAMA suggests nearly 90 percent of U.S. adults have some stage of CKM syndrome — a reflection of risk factors from being overweight to having chronic conditions like diabetes.

Chiadi Ndumele, an associate professor of medicine and director of obesity and cardiometabolic research at Johns Hopkins University, says CKM syndrome is “a really potent driver” of premature deaths, including from heart disease. Cardiovascular deaths — once on the decline — are now increasing, evidence suggests. “This is thought to be all secondary to CKM syndrome,” says Ndumele, who coauthored the AHA advisory.

The causes and effects of CKM syndrome are wide-ranging. It’s not a simple flowchart but more of a spiraling storm — such as when obesity, a major cause of kidney disease, leads to a cascade of metabolic issues.

“When a kidney is damaged, by diabetes per se, or hypertension in particular, it produces a number of other abnormalities that affect the whole body — particularly the cardiovascular system,” says Katherine Tuttle, , professor of medicine in the division of nephrology at the University of Washington School of Medicine, and a coauthor of the AHA advisory. “It causes inflammation, it raises blood pressure, it makes people more resistant to insulin, it makes the lipid disorders worse.”

In turn, already high cholesterol levels can rise further; increasing insulin resistance inhibits the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar; and other changes take place — like kidney-disease-related calcium buildup in arteries\. Taken together, all these factors make circulation problems worse, which Tuttle says accelerates atherosclerosis, involving hardening and narrowing of the arteries, and heart failure….

For people who have some risk factors but don’t yet have heart or kidney disease, one of the biggest things is incorporating lifestyle changes, Aggarwal says, like exercising 150 minutes a week. That can help with losing weight and managing or preventing chronic conditions like diabetes.

For those who do have more advanced risks related to everything from diabetes to high cholesterol, experts recommend talking to your doctor about whether medications could help, in addition to lifestyle changes.

The American Heart Assocation has an online calculator to predict your risk of cardiovascular disease. Click here.

Note: You will need the numbers for your total cholesterol, HDL, SBP (systolic blood pressure), BMI, and eGFR (overall index of kidney function). To calculate your eGFR, go here.


Joe Biden, sadist-in-chief

Not only is Joe Biden senile, he is sadistic as well.

From the New York Post, June 13, 2024:

Joe Biden repeatedly watched his German shepherd Commander attack Secret Service members, who wished each other a “safe shift” as the number of incidents mounted – with one exasperated workplace safety professional urging the use of a muzzle, agency records show.

The number of dog attacks involving Commander, who the White House said in February was given away after more than two years terrorizing professionals assigned to protect Biden; and former first dog Major, who was re-homed in 2021 after also attacking personnel; could top three dozen, the newly surfaced records suggest.

The 81-year-old Biden, who reportedly accused a Secret Service member of lying about being attacked by Major during his first year in office, was present for at least three separate attacks involving Commander, files released to Judicial Watch under Freedom of Information Act litigation show.

Despite his senility and sadism, Hollyweirdos like George Clooney and Julia Roberts still support and fund the reelection of the bastard. (See “George Clooney, Julia Roberts help Biden raise record $30 million-plus at star-studded Hollywood gala“)


Friday Funnies!


Monday Funnies!


The Royal Groper Caption Contest

This is our world-famous 280th Caption Contest!

Here’s the video:

Ahout the video: On September 20, 2022, Prince Andrew, along with his two daughters, Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie, were among members of the royal family who viewed floral tributes to the recently departed Queen Elizabeth II at Balmoral Castle. At one point Andrew was recorded by news cameras as he comforted Eugenie who broke down while reading messages left to her grandmother. With an arm placed around his daughter, Andrew bent down to read further messages, his hand slipping down Eugenie’s back and her butt. (Newsweek)

You know the drill:

  • Enter the contest by submitting your caption as a comment on this thread (scroll down until you see the “LEAVE A REPLY” box).
  • Body and Soul‘s writers will vote for the winner.
  • Any captions proffered by our writers, no matter how brilliant (ha ha), will not be considered. :(

This contest will be closed at the end of Tuesday, June 18, 2024.

‘To get the contest going, here’s my caption:

Persistent rumors on social media that Andrew pimped out his daughers to the late convicted-pedophile Jeffrey Epstein may well be true.

For the winners of our last Caption Contest, go here.


Tuesday animals

Cutest kitten in the world!


People’s last words are often these 4 phrases

Food for thought….

Most people utter one of four common phrases on their deathbeds, according to Pulitzer Prize-winning author and oncologist Siddhartha Mukherjee during a commencement speech at the University of Pennsylvania last week. Each of the phrases offers an important lesson for leading a fulfilling and successful life, Mukherjee said.

The phrases are:

I want to tell you that I love you.
I want to tell you that I forgive you.
Would you tell me that you love me?
Would you give me your forgiveness?

People who know they’re dying often express some variation of one of those four themes — indicating that they waited until it was late to show their appreciation for others or right their interpersonal wrongs, said Mukherjee, author of the award-winning 2011 nonfiction book “The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer.”

Instead, they harbored grudges, lived with unresolved guilt or spent years being too afraid to be vulnerable, Mukherjee explained. The ensuing remorse, stress, poor mental health and even hormonal and immune imbalances can stunt your personal and professional growth, neurobehavioral scientist J. Kim Penberthy wrote in a 2022 University of Virginia blog post.

“Love and forgiveness, death and transition. Waiting [to express yourself] merely delays the inevitable,” said Mukherjee, adding that young people should “take this seriously. You’re living in a world where love and forgiveness have become meaningless, outdated platitudes. … They’re words people have learned to laugh at.”

Source: NBC San Diego

See also “Forgiving others is good for our mental health“.
