Tag Archives: health benefits of cuddling

Baby goats line up to get hugs

This is too precious for words…. (h/t Elizabeth)

But wait!

The alpaca, waiting so patiently, needs a hug too!

Here are 5 health benefits of hugging and cuddling (source:  Well+Good):

  1. You sleep better: Hugs and cuddling lead to the brain releasing oxytocin, which counters the production of the “stress hormone” cortisol. The lowered cortisol and increased oxytocin promote feelings of safety, security, and relaxation—all of which facilitate sleep. A higher level of oxytocin has also been linked to having fewer nightmares.
  2. Lessen stress: Stress really can make us sick. In addition to oxytocin, cuddling also lowers stress when the body produces serotonin, the “happy hormone” that promotes feelings of happiness and pleasure.
  3. Improve digestive functioning: The more often we cuddle, the more serotonin we produce, and the more serotonin we produce, the better our ability is to digest and process food. This is why we feel depressed, we may lose our appetite.
  4. Reduce pain: The oxytocin that’s released when we cuddle is an antidote to physical and emotional pain. Serotonin, the happy hormone, also decreases our sensitivity to pain.
  5. Boost our immune system: Cuddling improves our immune system because oxytocin and serotonin lower stress. Serotonin is also linked to gut health, and gut health is linked to immunity. A stronger immune system, in turn, helps us to manage stress,  reduce inflammation, fight illnesses like Covid-19, and stay healthy.

By the way, studies show that we can derive the same health benefits from hugging and cuddling our pets!

See also “Baby elephant loves to cuddle“.
