Posted in Democrats, illegal immigration, Joe Biden, political memes, President Donald Trump, The Left
Tagged Bill Gates, Marianne Budde, Mark Zuckerberg
Here’s the pic:
About the pic: JFK’s daughter Caroline Kennedy and her son, Jack Schlossberg, at the 2017 Met Gala.
Commentary: In a scathing letter to Congress ahead of her cousin Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s confirmation hearing, Caroline urged senators to reject his nomination, calling him unfit for the job and a predator. For his part, showing that he’s his mother’s son in political bigotry and viciousness, Jack Schlossberg recently attacked conservative commenter Meghn Kelly on social media, berating her for her stance on transgender issues and sarcastically suggesting that he did not know what gender she is.
You know the drill:
This contest will be closed at the end of Tuesday, Feb, 25, 2025.
To get the contest going, here’s my caption:
For the winner of our last Caption Contest, go here.
Posted in Caption contest, Democrats, Fun, The Left
Tagged Caroline Kennedy, Jack Schlossberg, Meghn Kelly, RFK Jr.
Our writers dutifully voted for their #1 and #2 captions. Each #1 vote is worth 4 points; each #2 vote us worth 2 points.
And the winner, with three #1 votes and one #2 vote, totaling 14 points, is:
Here is his caption:
He was charged with public intoxication and disorderly conduct. It was a slam dunk.
Gracie Storvika is in 2nd place, with one #1 and one #2 caption, totaling 6 points:
Now isn’t that just a prime example Your Tax Dollar at Work! Prompt me to reach for a barf bag.
John is in 3rd place, with two #2 votes and 4 points:
The cops were amazed at how well hung he was….
For all the other caption submissions, go here.
Click here for our next, very exciting Caption Contest!
CBS News reports, Jan. 24, 2025, that a new effort to place a measure on the ballot that would ask California voters to approve the state’s secession from the U.S. has been cleared for signature gathering.
The measure, introduced by Marcus Evans of Fresno, must receive at least 546,651 signatures from registered voters, which is 5% of total votes cast for governor in the 2022 election, by this July 22.
According to the text of the measure, the state would be required to create a 20-member state commission, picked at random by the Secretary of State, to study California’s viability as an independent country in 2027 and to publish a report the following year.
The measure would also place the following question on the November 2028 ballot: “Should California leave the United States and become a free and independent country?”
If the ballot question is approved, which would require at least 50% voter participation and 55% voting “yes,” the proposal would declare a “vote of no confidence in the United States of America”, but would not change the state’s government or its relationship with the U.S. The measure would also call for the removal of the U.S. flag from all state buildings.
According to a fiscal analysis from the Legislative Analyst’s office, the measure would cost the state $10 million in election-related costs and to form the new commission, along with $2 million in annual costs to operate the commission.
Evans has been part of other initiative campaigns calling for the state to secede, including a proposal following Donald Trump’s victory in the 2016 presidential election. Evans said their movement has a better chance compared to eight years ago. “We believe that now is the best time to Calexit – NOW we are better situated to make Calexit happen than in 2016,” he said.
The San Diego County-based Independent California Institute has released a new poll purporting that more than 60% of Californians agree that they “would be better off California if peacefully seceded from the U.S. at some point in the next 10 years.” (Source: CalMatters, Jan. 24, 2025)
Posted in Democrats, failed state, President Donald Trump, The Left
This is heartbreaking.
Beth is 70 years old.
She had worked her entire adult life, including being a librarian. From the condition of her teeth (straight), she clearly was at least middle class. But she did not save her money and, as the rent on her apartment kept increasing, she found herself living in her car. Occasionally, she would check into a motel to bathe and shelter herself from inclement weather.
This is her video explaining why she lives in her car:
I’ve subscribed to her channel and will try to watch as many of her videos as I can because YouTube will monetize (pay) her when the number of her subscribers and watch hours of her videos reach 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours. As of this morning, she has 9,080 subscribers. In her most recent video (this morning), she says she’ll soon accumulate enough watch hours to be monetized.
You can also donate, here.
From the comments on her videos, there are other women, many elderly, who also are living in their cars. Good grief.
The brilliant Victor Davis Hanson on why President Donald John Trump’s second administration is different from his first, how Trump is a genuine populist, and how Trump 2.0 is truly revolutionary.
Posted in cats, dogs, Funnies, God's creation